Thursday, January 16, 2025

Killing To Create Jobs. It's Important!

The military-industrial complex has now insinuated itself so thoroughly into the fabric of US society that it is routinely justified by the fact that millions of Americans are employed making WMD.

"Sure, your job is to help the Empire kill for power and wealth, but when the Death Merchants profit, you get paid", they say, without a hint of ethics or morality.

Today my computer pushed a ProPublica article on me trashing Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and RFK, Jr., for planning to change the focus of the NIH from vaccines to improving the general health of Americans.

ProPublica is riled up about this. Bioweapons research creates jobs!

How dare our public health officials switch to actually improving the health of the population!

I find this amazing. Pushing the production of weapons that kill humans by exploding them, or hurling projectiles into their innards, is one thing. We have been listening to justifications to that for decades.

But pushing the production of weapons that kill by disease? These are the same liberal types who scream about the "million dead Americans" from the last bioweapon release.

But now it's OK, because "jobs, jobs, jobs"?

"Grants from NIAID flow to nearly every state and more than half of the congressional districts across the country, supporting thousands of jobs nationwide.......

Research suggests that every dollar spent by NIH generates from $2.50 to $8 in economic activity."

Well, OK then.

And then they let slip a glitch in the matrix:

"The NIH pays for most of the basic research globally into new drugs. The private sector relies on this public funding; researchers at Bentley University found that NIH money was behind every new pharmaceutical approved from 2010 through 2019."

Wait! That's not the usual mantra. We are normally told that the reason for the exorbitant profits of pharma is the necessity for them to do research and development, which is expensive.

But faced with the cut-off of the money, they admit that it is pubic money that funds research and development, which is then handed over to private corporations so that they may profit from the high prices they charge. And that also creates jobs!

"When private companies turn that research into blockbuster drugs, the public benefits from new treatments, as well as jobs and economic growth."

Unfriggingbelievable that they could push this with a straight face.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Where Does Blackrock Get Its Funds?

Blackrock is a hedge fund managing 401Ks and state pension funds, as are Vanguard and State St.

All of them were started after the Establishment attacks on Social Security, which at first consisted of propaganda telling workers that there would not be enough money to pay their pensions when they retired.

The Evil Reagan used this propaganda to set up the “Trust Fund” by doubling FICA contributions and telling the Baby Boomers that they had to prepay their own retirement.

Blackrock was founded in 1986, to capitalize on frightened workers.

They suck money from workers who tithe every paycheck, with the promise that in 40 years they will be rich, and it will all be theirs, unlike that bad Social Security, that gives a monthly pension to everyone until they die. The workers fantasize that they will have enough left over from their 401K millions to pass on to their kids when they pass on.

Meanwhile, the kids can’t afford the outrageous rents that monopoly ownership allows.

Do not worry that Blackrock might lose their investments in Ukraine. The only thing that will happen if Blackrock loses their investments in Ukraine is that the workers will find out that their nest egg just got emptied, the way it did in 2001 and 20008.

They will then have a chirpy ex-cheerleader turned 401K salesperson tell them that they need to double their tithe in order to make up what they lost.

And there are enough stupid people out there to do just that. And then Blackrock's bottom-line will improve.

The state pension funds lost will be made up by the taxpayers, just like before.

We already know how they do.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Peace Plan? Or Ridiculous Cope?

In Feb. 2014 the US midwifed a coup in Ukraine, violently overthrowing their elected government, and putting in hand-picked replacement leaders, including US descendants of the post-WW2 ratline. They immediately passed discriminatory laws against the ethnic Russians in Ukraine. Ukrainians in Crimea, Odessa, and the Donbass rebelled. The post-coup Kiev regime sent in troops to put them down, but a lot of the troops went over to the rebellion. The US and other NATO countries sent in troops on the down-low, helping the notsi forces in the military to invade and occupy eastern Ukraine.

Eastern Ukrainians fought back, with some Russian help (not troops, though, that is an Empire lie.)

In an effort to stop the violence, the Minsk Accords were agreed upon between the Kiev regime and the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic. Germany and France agreed to be guarantors.

They lied. Poroshenko, Hollande and Merkle all have admitted that their goal was to stop the fighting until the depleted Ukrainian military could be rebuilt and trained by NATO forces, which it was.

Americans are told that Obama didn't send weapons to Kiev, but that is another lie. The weapons started flowing in 2014 and never stopped.

For 8 years NATO and Kiev dug into eastern Ukraine, with troops and fortifications occupying multiple cities and villages.

They were preparing to start a major military operation in 2022, with the goal of emptying the Donbass of citizens, so that the west could claim the resources.

But Russia stepped in to stop them. Putin stated that the goals of their mission were to protect the citizens of the Donbass, and to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine.

Zelensky agreed to a peace deal almost immediately and negotiations began. The Minsk negotiations stopped when the Ukies killed their own negotiator.

The Istanbul negotiations went better, until Boris Johnson flew into Kiev, promising millions of dollars and unlimited help to Kiev, if they agreed to fight Russia for the west.

And here we are now. The demilitarization is ongoing, but the denazification hasn't budged, and the Kiev regime is STILL shelling the citizens of the Donbass, but now they have added killing the citizens of old Russia to their atrocities.

Now there are people in the US who see that they are not going to get the riches of the Donbass after all, so they want to salvage Blackrock investments in the rest of Ukraine.

So they are saying that OK, Russia, we'll let you keep the parts of eastern Ukraine that you have already liberated, but no more. And instead of all of Ukraine being demilitarized, we propose an 800 km ''demilitarization zone', which will be staffed with armed soldiers from the UK and Europe. The rest of Ukraine will still be under control of the west, with the notsis coddled and nurtured, and the children still being indoctrinated with notsi propaganda in the schools. So forget that whole denazification plan.

Oh, and Ukraine won't join NATO for 20 years, after they have been armed, trained and built up again.

Such a deal!

Gosh, Putin will look so unreasonable if he refuses, amirite?

Or the media will do their best to make him look unreasonable.

I am glad to be an American who is not stupid or gullible enough to fall for the msm bs the entire west swims in daily.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

How Much Did Varma Control and Who Else Was Involved In The Plan?

The man who pushed the lockdowns in New York was recently busted for boasting about how he partied with the rich, while the poor were kept out of parks and beaches.

One such drug-fueled party was in the basement of a Wall Street bank. Oh, really?

Was there an upstairs meeting first?

Because in April 2020, long before the mandates, but in the middle of the proclaimed crisis, 1.4 million health care workers across the country were laid off, including, IIRC, 250,000 in New York alone.

Think of the profits! No wonder there was a party.

What about the NYC decision to refuse to use the hospital ship and the Javits Center emergency covid treatment center the Feds had fully staffed?

I remember watching a Zoom call with employees in a swamped hospital in NYC, complaining about how overworked and overwhelmed they were with patients, while the head doctor at the Javits Center said that they had medical staff from all over the country, from pulmonary specialists to radiology, infectious disease, and many others who had nothing to do, so they were playing Candy Crush on their phones!

"Send us your patients", he said. "We're ready for them".

But the city refused to transfer patients to those places. Why?

I think we know. It was to make Trump look bad.

Who made that decision? It had to be someone in the city government.

Meanwhile, the media hounded Trump daily, berating him for the "ventilator shortage", and blaming him for the ventilator deficiency deaths. He eventually got Detroit to produce ventilators, but by then doctors had already figured out that ventilating a covid patient did more harm than good.

One of those doctors on the Zoom call also did a video in which he was puzzling about why intubating and ventilating a covid patient was worthless.

Then someone made the decision to get Congress to pass the CARES Act, which gave hospitals a $35,000 bonus for every ventilated patient.

Were the orgy participants celebrating that windfall, also?

There was a lot of damage done in early 2020, long before the more substantial damage done in 2021.

Maybe Varma should be indicted, and offered a lighter sentence if he turns state's evidence about how many people were involved, and how much profit was being raked in.

Oh, I forgot. The New York judiciary is openly and proudly corrupt.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Junk Food Brings You Joy

This is awesome. The surprise combining of Bad Orange Man and Crazy Scary Man, on an "improve the health of America" platform has caused the narrative creators to scramble. They were not expecting this!

No worries, they can handle it.

Here's the first salvo from AP, titled "Ultraprocessed Foods Are Everywhere. How Bad Are They?"

Long article, full of words familiar to Americans who recently went through the "No, Vaccines Were Never Meant to Give You Immunity" switcharoo, which a surprising (to me, because I just can't give up my belief in basic human intelligence) number of people swallowed.

But eating healthily has been a liberal tenet for decades. Sneering at people who eat junk food is part of their basic doctrine. Now the whole dogma must do a 180, similar to when they suddenly were informed that the Sniffer in Chief was not actually sharp as a tack, and suddenly had to support the Cackler instead. It's enough to make a thinking person dizzy.

The money quote:

"It’s important not to vilify certain foods, she added. Many consumers don’t have the time or money to cook most meals from scratch. “I think foods should be joyous and delicious and shouldn’t involve moral judgment,” Musicus said"

Get it? You need to get onboard the Joy Train, and eat food designed to appeal to your taste buds. Don't be disrespectful of those food scientists who worked so hard to come up with just the right balance of salt, sugar, and fat to appeal to you.

Follow the science!

Next up: Eating healthy food is racist!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Dangerous Time

I would like to point out that we are entering an exceptionally dangerous period now. After the election of 2016, when the neocons realized that their Project Ukraine was to be interrupted, Obama really upped the provocations between Nov. and Jan., including adding more troops to one of the Baltic countries a week before Trump's inauguration.

Remember when he kicked the Russian embassy staff out of the country at Christmas, making them stand on the tarmac because they weren't allowed in the terminal?

And then to add insult to injury, or actually injury to injury, the US stole a piece of property the Russians used for events and occasions.

The unprecedented joining of the anti-war left and the anti-war right on Friday is bound to turn the Biden staff (mostly the same people as in 2016) into raving madmen, ready to do any atrocity to provoke a Russian reaction and an excuse to escalate before the election, in an attempt to rally Americans around the flag.

Americans are conditioned to support every new US war, at least at the beginning, so expect Crazy Nuke Country to start throwing some wild punches and nasty provocations. And not just in Ukraine.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Election Interference- Empire Style

The shameless Dems are once again claiming that other countries are interfering in the pristine US election by giving Americans information. Dems have now all been taught, and internalized, the belief that hearing information that their owners disapprove of, is wrong and should even be illegal.

The same Dems are heralding the invasion of Russia by US-supported Kiev regime soldiers, using US weapons and US ISR, and even US mercenaries, because it might lead to "regime change".

What is the difference between interfering in an election by giving voters information, and interfering in an election by invading another country, killing civilians and taking their houses?

I don't have to explain because all Americans know the difference.

The first one is very, very wrong.

The second one is to be celebrated.

Ask any Harris voter.