Friday, November 19, 2021

When Gates Foreshadows, Pay Attention

As it turns out, our ruling overlords are more evil than a normal person could possibly believe.

And normal people are more gullible than I can believe. Unfortunately, our rulers know this and seem to be experimenting in some sort of mind control research to see how far they can take it. I picture them in their laboratories high fiving each over in glee when people swallow another ridiculous story. "Wow! They fell for it! We did it again!"

Smallpox was declared eradicated worldwide in 1980, (1953 in the US), which has been used as a triumph of vaccination ever since, including earlier this year, when True Believers hurled invective at resistors, telling them that taking the GMO injectible was the exact same thing as wiping out smallpox and the measles.

But our overlords have taught those same slurpers in only 9 months to completely change their tune. Now they tell you that of course this jab will not provide immunity or stop disease, no jab ever has.

Really? Really, slurpers? You have totally forgotten all that you were told your entire life, because the Mighty Wurlitzer of propaganda is now singing a different tune?

The Esteemed doctor and epidemiology expert, Bill Gates, has re-emerged from wherever he has been hiding in the last few months (shades of Dick Cheney disappearing for months after 9-11, while he was orchestrating the cover-up) and is now bleating a tune about the Return of Smallpox. And when Gates foreshadows, pay attention. He knows how the plot turns out.

But are people really going to fall for this??

Are they really going to allow the most evil of all people on the planet to concoct a tale about how smallpox accidentally fell out of a box, or was found to have an animal reservoir, or the Russians or domestic white supremacist terrorists skipped along flinging smallpox virions in Florida (I'm assuming they will target the most resistant of the states first)?

Because even though I am far more jaded and cynical than I ever wanted to be, I still can't believe that they would try to get away with this.

Except, deep down, I think they might.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Suicide By Teenager

There is a well known phenomenon called Suicide By Cop, where a person with suicidal ideation who is unwilling to do the deed themself outsources it to the police, by attacking them.

It turns out that Joseph Rosenbaum had been released from a mental hospital in Milwaukee that day last August. For some reason he was dropped off in the riot zone of Kenosha. Why?

I'm only speculating here, but watching the video of him spewing obscenities and the N word, screaming at people "Shoot me", and threatening armed men, he seemed like the kind of guy that wouldn't attract many admirers.

Is it possible that the discharge planner of that hospital in Milwaukee, faced with finding a home for that foul-mouthed child rapist, thought "I know just the place! Drop this piece of excrement off in Kenosha and let the police take care of him."

But the police were standing down, leaving ordinary citizens to protect the city. Oops!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Earth Humans Are Easy

My dad, a sunny optimist with a deep faith in humanity and a belief in Enlightenment ideals, truly believed that humans were basically good (like him) and wanted to live in peace and harmony with their fellow humans.

My mother, on the other hand, believed that most humans are two-faced assholes, ready to stab you in the back at any time.

My husband is another sunny natured optimist, unwavering in his belief that, given the opportunity, Americans would vote for peace, justice, freedom and environmental wisdom. He has spent endless hours of his life trying to reach his fellow citizens.

As an Enlightenment Baby, I have to say that we should use our reason, and take into account our experience and the research done in the century past, which, we have to admit (if we believe in science) proves the Thomases, Jefferson and Paine, to be wrong.

Humans are not rational beings, who take all available evidence, and weigh it in a calm and measured way, only to come up with the best answer.

We are creatures of emotion, most easily ruled by Hate and Fear, and our overlords play us like fiddles.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


We live in a society in which we are watched constantly, in which our every communication is monitored and stored in giant databases, in which the government is working on collecting biological information on every person, in which there are fusion centers collating police and security state info, in which we cannot freely move around without presenting our papers, at the least, and our bodies, at most, for inspection by armed guards, in which we have militarized police, and 2,300,000 citizens in prison, in which we have 17 spy agencies, in which our media is controlled by 5 corporations, and our government is known to lie, in which top leaders are openly calling for censorship of our only means of horizontal communication, social media.

And now they are adding medical apartheid, in which people who refuse to submit to forced inoculation are openly called unclean and undeserving of parcipitating in normal society. "Papers please" now has a new requirement added.

Has there ever before, in human history, been a society so heavily monitored, watched, injected and controlled?

I would guess that there has never been a society so completely controlled that managed to simultaneously convince its citizens that they are "free".

Monday, November 1, 2021