Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Destroying the Rule of Law, to Applause

After WW2 the war weary world started the United Nations, with the goal of stopping war. The Charter of the UN is based on national sovereignty and international law. No country can attack another country, no matter what the excuse.

The US is a rogue nation in international affairs. Since the 90s they have been trying to replace international law with a concept they invented, which they call a "rules-based order".

In the rules-based order, there is no international law or national sovereignty, there is only the US deciding how other people in other countries should run their affairs.

If the US decides that people in other countries are not behaving up to the US standard, they unilaterally decide to starve or kill them, through sanctions and bombing.

Now the US ruling class is turning on Americans. Part of the attack is to replace the law with mob rule, steered by the media.

They also are attacking the Bill of Rights, telling Americans that they must destroy their rights in order to save them.

That is why you have self-identified "liberals" informing you that free speech is OK in theory, but in real life people need to be shut up so that they can't say things that our overlords dislike. No "hate speech", no "disinformation", no "anti-science", no "triggering", nothing allowed but the Official Narratives.

Bodily sovereignty, also enshrined in international law in the Nuremberg Code, is also under attack.

And fair trials? Rules of evidence? No double jeopardy? Oh, hell no! CNN gets to decide and antifa is there to threaten the judge and jury to make sure they obey.

Liberals are down with all of that, the same way they support "preemptive war", where the US goes and kills a million people, so that they don't someday kill us.

Friday, November 19, 2021

When Gates Foreshadows, Pay Attention

As it turns out, our ruling overlords are more evil than a normal person could possibly believe.

And normal people are more gullible than I can believe. Unfortunately, our rulers know this and seem to be experimenting in some sort of mind control research to see how far they can take it. I picture them in their laboratories high fiving each over in glee when people swallow another ridiculous story. "Wow! They fell for it! We did it again!"

Smallpox was declared eradicated worldwide in 1980, (1953 in the US), which has been used as a triumph of vaccination ever since, including earlier this year, when True Believers hurled invective at resistors, telling them that taking the GMO injectible was the exact same thing as wiping out smallpox and the measles.

But our overlords have taught those same slurpers in only 9 months to completely change their tune. Now they tell you that of course this jab will not provide immunity or stop disease, no jab ever has.

Really? Really, slurpers? You have totally forgotten all that you were told your entire life, because the Mighty Wurlitzer of propaganda is now singing a different tune?

The Esteemed doctor and epidemiology expert, Bill Gates, has re-emerged from wherever he has been hiding in the last few months (shades of Dick Cheney disappearing for months after 9-11, while he was orchestrating the cover-up) and is now bleating a tune about the Return of Smallpox. And when Gates foreshadows, pay attention. He knows how the plot turns out.

But are people really going to fall for this??

Are they really going to allow the most evil of all people on the planet to concoct a tale about how smallpox accidentally fell out of a box, or was found to have an animal reservoir, or the Russians or domestic white supremacist terrorists skipped along flinging smallpox virions in Florida (I'm assuming they will target the most resistant of the states first)?

Because even though I am far more jaded and cynical than I ever wanted to be, I still can't believe that they would try to get away with this.

Except, deep down, I think they might.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Suicide By Teenager

There is a well known phenomenon called Suicide By Cop, where a person with suicidal ideation who is unwilling to do the deed themself outsources it to the police, by attacking them.

It turns out that Joseph Rosenbaum had been released from a mental hospital in Milwaukee that day last August. For some reason he was dropped off in the riot zone of Kenosha. Why?

I'm only speculating here, but watching the video of him spewing obscenities and the N word, screaming at people "Shoot me", and threatening armed men, he seemed like the kind of guy that wouldn't attract many admirers.

Is it possible that the discharge planner of that hospital in Milwaukee, faced with finding a home for that foul-mouthed child rapist, thought "I know just the place! Drop this piece of excrement off in Kenosha and let the police take care of him."

But the police were standing down, leaving ordinary citizens to protect the city. Oops!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Earth Humans Are Easy

My dad, a sunny optimist with a deep faith in humanity and a belief in Enlightenment ideals, truly believed that humans were basically good (like him) and wanted to live in peace and harmony with their fellow humans.

My mother, on the other hand, believed that most humans are two-faced assholes, ready to stab you in the back at any time.

My husband is another sunny natured optimist, unwavering in his belief that, given the opportunity, Americans would vote for peace, justice, freedom and environmental wisdom. He has spent endless hours of his life trying to reach his fellow citizens.

As an Enlightenment Baby, I have to say that we should use our reason, and take into account our experience and the research done in the century past, which, we have to admit (if we believe in science) proves the Thomases, Jefferson and Paine, to be wrong.

Humans are not rational beings, who take all available evidence, and weigh it in a calm and measured way, only to come up with the best answer.

We are creatures of emotion, most easily ruled by Hate and Fear, and our overlords play us like fiddles.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


We live in a society in which we are watched constantly, in which our every communication is monitored and stored in giant databases, in which the government is working on collecting biological information on every person, in which there are fusion centers collating police and security state info, in which we cannot freely move around without presenting our papers, at the least, and our bodies, at most, for inspection by armed guards, in which we have militarized police, and 2,300,000 citizens in prison, in which we have 17 spy agencies, in which our media is controlled by 5 corporations, and our government is known to lie, in which top leaders are openly calling for censorship of our only means of horizontal communication, social media.

And now they are adding medical apartheid, in which people who refuse to submit to forced inoculation are openly called unclean and undeserving of parcipitating in normal society. "Papers please" now has a new requirement added.

Has there ever before, in human history, been a society so heavily monitored, watched, injected and controlled?

I would guess that there has never been a society so completely controlled that managed to simultaneously convince its citizens that they are "free".

Monday, November 1, 2021

Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Experiment Continues

In the 60s a researcher named Stanley Milgram conducted a series of experiments in which the subjects were told they were participating in a teaching experiment, but the study was actually designed to measure compliance and obedience to authority. They were told to adminster shocks to the other subject (actually an accomplice to the designers) in increasingly severe levels, to see how far they would go when ordered. 65% of them administered what they thought was a lethal dose, when so ordered by a person of authority.

Milgram suggested that two things were needed to convince subjects to comply: One- The person giving the orders is perceived as being qualified to direct other people’s behavior. That is, they are seen as legitimate. Two- The person being ordered about believes that the authority will accept responsibility for what happens.

Ten months ago, researchers enrolled most of the adult populations in the industrialized countries in an experiment in which subjects were told they were receiving an injection that would protect them from infection of the SARS 2 virus. They were assured that if enough people complied, the population would reach herd immunity and all the restrictions on public life would be lifted. They were not, however, told that the authorities would accept responsibility for any bad outcomes. All agencies, the government, the medical industry and the media were enlisted to push this story and anyone speaking up to object were suppressed and banned.

Ten months in, we have been told that the injectable does not actually do what they promised it would. It does not protect the recipient from disease, it does not stop the spread of the disease and the restrictions have not been lifted.

If this experiment was actually about testing the safety and effectiveness of the drug, it would now be reasessed and the experiment stopped.

But instead the subjects are being told that since the product is ineffective, they need a booster shot. Clearly this is not about testing the product.

This is instead a continuance of the Milgram obedience experiments, a vast test of mass compliance to authority, even when authority has removed the second pillar of Milgram's hypothesis, the agreement to take responsibility for the results.

Targeting people's children is a new, and particularly unethical (in my opinion) twist. We have now sunk into Harry Harlow terrortory. Will people actually offer up their young to receive an injection that they know doesn't work for a disease that doesn't harm children? If I were a mad scientist I might be interested in this question. But as an ethical human being I am appalled.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

A Call For Decorum

I mostly like men. They are usually pretty amiable and I appreciate the ones that can fix stuff.

But the men who are fixated on their genitals are off-putting, like those dogs you can't stop from noisily licking themselves.

There are the ones who are so enamored of their penises that they target random women with dic pics, apparently sure that said women will be equally impressed, and swoon with admiration and desire.

Worse now are the ones who dislike their genitals, because they have the backing of the Establishment to make sure that the entire society knows about their inner feelings, and makes allowances for their tender insides.

So we have things like everyone required to pick pronouns to force everyone around to use, so that no one accidentally devastates a man who feels distaste for his penis by using his non-preferred pronoun, because then he might react by committing violent acts like suicide and/or homicide (or just trashing the place in anger), and it would totally be the fault of the person speaking English, according to the Establishment. I see no reason for this policy. Genitals were nicknamed ''private parts'' for a reason. There is no reason that the general public should be exposed to people's internal feelings about their external genitals. Keep them to yourself, please, and we'll all be better off.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Mass Psychosis & You

We are being deliberately driven insane. There has been no time in the past when The Madness of Crowds has led to anything good. There is no reason to believe that this will be different.

Freezing in the Dark

Back in the 70s, when it became apparent that the fossil fuels were finite, a generation raised with frugality and social responsibility started looking at alternative ways of doing things, so as to conserve resources for future generations.

I distinctly remember that some people were composting using a system that harvested the methane produced for cooking purposes. Heating was usually a matter of passive solar building and insulation, combined with putting on a sweater.

Then along came the Evil Reagan, announcing to Americans that there was no way they would have to freeze to death in the dark. Instead, Americans should embark on an orgy of consumption back then, and screw future generations.

Oil use has doubled since then, and electricity use has also gone up, (but I don't know the percentage).

Frackers spent the last 15 years flaring off natural gas, as they went for oil instead. North Dakota and New Mexico were lit up at night for years, as they burned off all that natural gas into the atmosphere.

Anyway, here we are in the future, getting ready to freeze to death in the dark. Thanks, Reagan.

Does anyone know how to make one of those methane-capturing compost devices?

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Merchant of Death

Back in the days before the war machine became a permanent fixture of the American way of life, weapons manufacturers were opportunists called Merchants of Death by the population. Selling WMD was seen by many as a wicked way to make money. But whole generations of Americans have grown up thinking that spreading death and misery to other peoples is normal, even noble.

It has been muttered in certain circles that there are those who sell to both sides in war, profiting from the misery of double the populations, but those names are not usually known. Oliver North comes to mind, but he did it on the downlow, and there was a (feeble) attempt to excoriate him for his perfidy.

Anthony Fauci is the first double-dipper I have ever known to be lionized by the media, although he is one of the most despicable characters history has ever seen. The funder of gain-of-function bioweapon research, looking for ways to turn ordinary viruses and bacteria into deadly killers, he, like Oliver North, even funded it on the downlow when ethical scientists sounded the alarm and it was temporarily stopped on the US continent.

The release of the SARS 2 virus, a gain-of-function twist on SARS 1 (which spread in 2002-2004), in late 2019 led to a world-wide shutdown to stop the spread. Dr. Fauci, who should have been frog-marched to court to answer for his research, instead was put in charge of the US response. Official federal protocols forbid early treatment and prescribed only Remdesivir for hospital treatment. Remdesivir was an experimental drug never before approved until the FDA gave it an Emergency Use Authorization in May 2020, without extensive clinical trials. It was shown to be ineffective as well as dangerous and the WHO recommended against using it but the US, under Tony Fauci, continues using it to this day.

Then the merchant of death who funded the research into the bioweapon, and then pushed for no treatment except an experimental drug, moved on to vaccination, pushing for Americans to accept mass vaccination in order to end the lockdown. A new experimental mRNA technique was applied for the first time in a vaccine and Dr. Fauci was allowed to proselytize for it on every major media outlet, as if he were some sort of reputable source, instead of a war criminal. At first he advocated that 60% of Americans needed to accept the jab to reach "herd immunity", but he started upping his numbers when he saw how gullible Americans were to his plan.

Fauci and Bill Gates, a software and vaccine salesman, were both used as reputable sources for both the vaccine and the vaccine passport, an internal document they proposed to limit movement of US citizens. When they first proposed it, in early 2020, they talked about it as a document to be held both by people who were naturally immune, by virtue of recovering from the disease, and those who had accepted the mRNA shot. Again, though, when polls showed how gullible and submissive Americans were, they changed the requirements, and started demanding that even those with natural immunity submit to the jab.

By now we know that the mRNA jab has serious side effects, including disability and death. Instead of now frog-marching Fauci to court, however, the media continues to present him as a legitimate source of policy making.

As in most wars, the bodies pile up, nameless and faceless, and we don't know their stories. But because of the ability of Americans to communicate horizontally through the internet (that ability now under severe attack), we know a few. The ones that really touch my heart are the ones who did not want to accept the jab, but were forced to take it by nameless, faceless bureaucrats. The 13 y.o. girl who wanted to play soccer, the 39 y.o. mother who wanted to volunteer at her children's school, the 18 y.o. girl who wanted to go to college, the 23 y.o. graduate who wanted to work....all dead now. And the only name we know, the only face we know, responsible for the policies that killed them, is Anthony Fauci. And he is held up as a hero to those too shallow to think beyond what the screen tells them to think, too simple-minded to recognize that profiting from all sides in a war is despicable, not heroic.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Rome Redux

In 1919, Joseph Schumpteter described ancient Rome in a way that sounds eerily like the United States...:

"There was no corner of the known world where some interest was not alleged to be in danger or under actual attack. If the interests were not Roman, they were those of Rome's allies; and if Rome had no allies, the allies would be invented. When it was utterly impossible to contrive such an interest -- why, then it was the national honor that had been insulted. The fight was always invested with an aura of legality. Rome was always being attacked by evil-minded neighbors. The whole world was pervaded by a host of enemies, it was manifestly Rome's duty to guard against their indubitably aggressive designs."

Thursday, September 16, 2021

War on Americans, the Next Chapter

20 years ago the US declared war on the people of Afghanistan, wrongfully blaming them for the attacks in New York and Washington, DC.

On Sept. 9th President Biden declared war on 80,000,000 Americans, wrongfully blaming them for a virus.

20 years ago Congress destroyed the Bill of Rights, using terrorism as an excuse.

Today humans in the USA and around the world are being forced into a new Dark Ages, a time of complete totalitarian takeover.

The time of the takeover of the religious feudal lords was a huge reset to the pagans of Europe. They lost their commons and their religion, and millions of them were killed for resisting.

The new corporate totalitarians are going beyond their massive wealth and power grab, also destroying human connections, including family connections.

"Give me the child and I will show you the man" said Ignacious Loyola. The German leader of the 30s said something similar, but referring to his words will bring down GlobalCorp censorship.

They are going after the children now. How many people will stand up and fight for the children? President Biden has declared war on me, because the agenda calls for complete and total submission to their plans. I didn't ask to be attacked, but neither did the people of Afghanistan. And the people cheering it on are the same kind of people I opposed in 2001, 2003 and 2011, mindless slurpers of propaganda, unable to step out of the matrix and think for themselves, smugly convinced of their righteousness, as much as any Crusader of the past.

GlobalCorp doesn't care who they smash, or what they destroy of value, whether Middle East antiquities, small town businesses, or family ties and healthy childhood development. I refuse to be a collaborator with such pure greed and malevolence.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Lack of Privacy Is NOT Protection

My parents were atheists, so I never grew up with religion.

My next door neighbors went to a church down the street for a couple of months, when we were kids, and what they learned there shocked me!

The way they told it, there was an angel spy assigned to me, whose job it was to watch everything I did, and put it in a big book, one page for ''good'' things and one page for ''bad'' things.

I was outraged! WTF? Where was my right to privacy? (This was pre-Snowden, obviously). But even back then, I felt that I had a right to be ignored by the authorities, and that they had no right to spy on me.

When I was an adult and met my husband,( who was brought up Catholic), he explained to me the concept of a ''guardian angel''. See, he was taught that the angel spying on him was a Good Thing, that the angel was there to protect him and keep him safe.

I wonder if that is why so few people are outraged by the pervasive and invasive spying by our rulers.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Who Is Unvaccinated?

When you hear the propaganda telling you about all the cases of unvaccinated being sick, (in the summer, nowhere near flu and cold season, but that's another story), you should be clear on what "unvaccinated" means.

1) Has not had any vaccine given.

2) Has had one dose of the mRNA vaccines.

3) Has had two doses, but the last one was less than 4 weeks ago (recently changed from 2 weeks).

4) Had two doses, but more than six months ago.

The plan is continual upgrades, just like in Gates's original operating system. To do that, the Hate and Fear has to be ramped up, which is in process at this time.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Friendly Fire?

The story that a man walked up to a checkpoint in a crowded area and blew up 200 people, including 12 Marines and 28 Taliban, makes no sense.

Why were Marines and Taliban manning the same checkpoint? Why would so many be around that one terrorist? Why were they in the middle of a crowd of hundreds?

A BBC correspondent reports that witnesses say that most of the victims were shot by gunfire coming from the military manning the guard towers. That makes more sense.

The Pentagon refuses to respond to questions. This is also the usual practice.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

Inducing mass psychosis is "simply a question of reorganizing and manipulating collective feelings in a proper way" (Joost Meerloo, quoted in documentary).

"Priming a population for the crime of menticide begins with the sowing of fear. When an individual is flooded with negative emotions, such as fear or anxiety, he or she is very susecptible to a descent into the delusions of madness. Threats, real, imagined or fabricated, can be used to sow fear. But a particularly effective technique is to use waves of terror. Under this technique, the sowing of fear is staggered with periods of calm. But each of these periods of calm is followed by the manufacturing of an even more intense spell of fear, and on and on the process goes......

While fear primes a population for menticide, the use of propaganda to spread misinformation and to promote confusion with respect to the source of the threats and the nature of the crisis, helps to break down the minds of the masses. Government officials and ..the media can use contradicatory reports, nonsensical information, and even blatant lies, as the more they confuse, the less capable will the population be to cope with the crisis and to diminish their fear in a rational and adaptive manner.

Confusion heightens the susceptibility of a descent into the delusions of totalitarism. Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot. It confuses those who think straight."

About a year ago, I tried to sum up the contradictory statements, illogic and sheer absurdity of what our overlords had told us up to then. I would like to update it, but the last year has been such a tsunami of pure bullshit that I can no longer keep it straight in my head.

This documentary explains how they managed to do that. As they point out, this is a technique that has been honed to perfection by our rulers. And the effect on Americans is the same as the effect on Germans, back in the 30s, when the propaganda was cruder but still effective. To quote from They Thought They Were Free, by Milton Mayer, "Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed."

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

"Left" Opposes General Strike/Boycott

The self-identified "Left" in the USA is fond of calling for a general strike, ignoring the fact that American workers are usually living paycheck-to-paycheck and are not inclined to consider such a drastic move to unemployment. The "Left" is also fond of pushing boycotts and "mass street action".

But now we have 100 million Americans refusing to submit to the government/corporate push to get them all inoculated. 100 million Americans saying "No" to Big Pharma and the draconian cutbacks the government is fomenting. There are even people out on the streets protesting in some places.

And in a hilarious U-turn, the "Left" is screaming about the insolence and lack of respect for their betters that the resisters are showing. How dare they! How dare they think for themselves! How dare they listen to Unapproved Doctors and Scientists! How dare they reject the words of the talking heads on TV and on their phones! They have been ordered to roll up their sleeves and they had just better roll up their sleeves! It's science!

This is the first time that I can remember that so many Americans have been impudent enough to refuse to believe the government, TV and corporations. If the "Left" was actually left they would take this opportunity to organize Americans to demand that the bioweapon research labs be shut down, that the Nuremberg Code be reinforced, gain-of-function bioweapon researchers be prosecuted, and that the entire medical-industrial-pharmacutical complex be nationalized as a non-profit service to the people.

But they don't. They show their true colors as they scream, red-faced, against those standing their ground against Big Pharma aligned with Big Government, and the biggest power grab we have ever seen takes place under their auspices. At this point I would not be surprised to see them cheering on concentration camps for the Unclean, they are so far in lockstep with their owners.

It's amazing to watch, and not in a good way.

Monday, August 23, 2021

FDA Approves mRNA Injectibles

We all knew this would happen. It's called regulatory capture.

Fine sounding words about "thoroughly tested" and "safe and effective" are bs, of course. They haven't been tracking the effects of the experimental drug and we all know it. The only source we have is VAERS, and they trashtalk that as unworthy. OK, then why isn't there some sort of honest tracking and accounting? Why did the FDA refuse to hold a public hearing? How do you run an experiment with millions of people, refuse to track results, admit that it doesn't work as advertised, and then approve it?

Now that we have social media we know that many people are having horrible side effects and that many people are dying. I talked to one woman whose healthy 50 y.o. brother died after the jab, while their mother held his hand and cried for him to hold on. She told me that she begged the doctor, in tears, to report it to VAERS, but he refused. Apparently, it is an involved process of many pages and on every page, they warn the health care providers of harsh repercussions if they submit a "false" report. And who determines what is "false"? Maybe the same people who have banned the Nobel Prize-winning drug that has been given to billions of people as "unsafe"?

No wonder doctors refuse to submit the side effects and deaths.

The FDA's press release gives more details on their "thoroughly tested" methods. Speaking of the trials that started just last year...

"Specifically, in the FDA’s review for approval, the agency analyzed effectiveness data from approximately 20,000 vaccine and 20,000 placebo recipients ages 16 and older who did not have evidence of the COVID-19 virus infection within a week of receiving the second dose. The safety of Comirnaty was evaluated in approximately 22,000 people who received the vaccine and 22,000 people who received a placebo 16 years of age and older.

Based on results from the clinical trial, the vaccine was 91% effective in preventing COVID-19 disease. ("Based on results from the clinical trial", they say. That is because we already know from "real life" that the vaccine is much less effective.)

More than half of the clinical trial participants were followed for safety outcomes for at least four months after the second dose. Overall, approximately 12,000 recipients have been followed for at least 6 months."

So I read that as they had 44,000 people in the trial, and they evaluated 20,000 for "effectiveness" (now shown to be fake news, but, you know, that's not part of the "trial", so it can be ignored). Maybe if they evaluated all 44,000 they could have figured it out. They only monitored the 44,000 for "safety". And now they are only evaluating 12,000? Out of 44,000? For six months? WTF?

And WTF is this? They admit that it causes heart damage, so they will follow that in post-marketing, but that is ALL that they are required to follow?

"These studies will include an evaluation of long-term outcomes among individuals who develop myocarditis following vaccination with Comirnaty. In addition, although not FDA requirements, the company has committed to additional post-marketing safety studies, including conducting a pregnancy registry study to evaluate pregnancy and infant outcomes after receipt of Comirnaty during pregnancy"

They recommend it for pregnant women, but they haven't studied it and don't require it???? Why are Americans putting up with this?

Monday, August 16, 2021

Afghan Women Being Used Again For Propaganda Purposes

The US was pushed out of Afghanistan yesterday by the Taliban, now allied with the Northern Alliance, giving them more control over Afghanistan than they had when the US invaded in 2001.

To be fair to Americans, military contractors and drug smugglers made out like bandits for 20 years. And if you judge "success" by money made, there are mansions in Virginia that show great success.

We are now back to the propaganda of 20 years ago, "We are there to save the women". And people are falling for it again!

But the women of Afghanistan were much better off before the Americans started destroying their country in 1979. Funny how that history is ignored in the tsunami of propaganda washing over us now.

Afghanistan in the 70s was a favorite of young American hippies with money enough to travel. Beautiful country, friendly people, cheap travel and to top it off, hashish. The government was progressive, and women went to university and became doctors and engineers.

That all stopped when the US started paying, arming and training the Islamic fundamentalists in 1979. Let Zbigniew Brzezinski explain it to you..."Zbigniew Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version, the CIA’s support for the Mujahideen began in 1980, i.e. after the Soviet army’s invasion of Afghanistan on 24 December 1979. But the reality, which was kept secret until today, is completely different: Actually it was on 3 July 1979 that president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets. Le Nouvel Observateur: Despite this risk you were a supporter of this covert action? But perhaps you expected the Soviets to enter this war and tried to provoke it?

Zbigniew Brzezinski: It’s not exactly like that. We didn’t push the Russians to intervene but we knowingly increased the probability that they would do it.

Le Nouvel Observateur: When the Soviets justified their intervention with the statement that they were fighting against a secret US interference in Afghanistan, nobody believed them. Nevertheless there was a core of truth to this…Do you regret nothing today?

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Regret what? This secret operation was an excellent idea. It lured the Russians into the Afghan trap, and you would like me to regret that? On the day when the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote president Carter, in essence: “We now have the opportunity to provide the USSR with their Viet Nam war.” Indeed for ten years Moscow had to conduct a war that was intolerable for the regime, a conflict which involved the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet Empire.

Le Nouvel Observateur: And also, don’t you regret having helped future terrorists, having given them weapons and advice?

Zbigniew Brzezinski: What is most important for world history? The Taliban or the fall of the Soviet Empire? Some Islamic hotheads or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?"

The US does not care about women, or children, or peace and stability in any of their targeted countries. We discuss this on this podcast.

Before you fall for it again, please take the time to watch this documentary, made during the first wave of "We are there to save the women" propaganda. .

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Propaganda Flips Again

Last year they closed the schools, because the elderly were most susecptible to covid infection and schools are known hothouses of infection. Children were almost unaffected by covid, but they were a major threat to Grandma, with their snotty noses and uncovered coughs. They were nasty little vectors of disease and should be kept away not just from Grandma, but from playgrounds and parks, which the authorities covered with yellow crime tape, (a subliminal way of calling children criminals).

Then, of course, the Democrat governors put covid patients in nursing homes, which killed thousands of grandmas anyway, even though their grandchildren were nowhere around them. But that is never mentioned.

This year the plot has completely flipped. The talking heads breathlessly read their new lines, and the easily manipulated repeat them excitedly. They don't even notice that a 180 has been done.

Now it is Grandma who is the danger! Hippie grandmas who eat unprocessed organic food and refuse to use chemicals in their houses or on their bodies, and have no interest in being injected with an experimental GMO product that will invade their cells and use them (just like a virus) to manufacture spike proteins. Hippie grandma doesn't want spiked proteins floating around her bloodstream and into her organs because she is selfishly thinking of her own health. How dare she! What about the children!

I know a man who plays folk songs on his guitar and says "Namaste" a lot. He has a young child who he put into daycare as an infant and every time I've seen that child she has had a stereotypical runny nose and cough, just like every other child in the petri dishes known as daycare centers. This is an expected side effect of daycare, as we all know.

I have never seen this man rail at the little germ carriers that made his daughter sick, lo, these last 6 years, but he has now succumbed to the media hype, and has announced that anyone in the community who doesn't take the jab is a horrible murderer of children and if his child gets sick (with her 30th respiratory infection) that he will hold unvaccinated people responsible!

Say what? How could his child get sick from some random people in the community that are nowhere near her?

The media hype about sick children, of course, has nothing to do with the fact that now that the adults have been vaccinated Big Pharma and the government are turning on the children. Oh, wait. It does. They want to start inoculating the children. Not only that, but they want to "cut the red tape" (as Republicans like to say) and ignore the consumer protection safety laws that prescribe a period of testing to make sure that new drugs are safe and effective. Vaccines usually take 5-10 years, but they want to cut this down to 2 months! For children! So this guy, a Democrat, is willing to ignore consumer safety laws for his own child, because the media has convinced him that she will die if she, and all the hippie grandmas in town, do not have an experimental drug injected into their arms.

I find this absolutely mind boggling.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Takedown Of The USA

From a Facebook friend from Yugoslavia, explaining how and why the US took down his country, and why it took 10 years.

"US/NATO war on Yugoslavia was experiment. I am from Yugoslavia.

It was strong country, with good socialist system that provided free health care, free education (university), you couldn't lose your job easy. There was security, we didn't lock the doors at night, general feeling of secured life. No racism or nationalism, woman had same payment like man (since 1945). Lots of other benefits, but that is another subject, mentioned it here just to tell you that that was one of the major reasons for its destruction.

It took 10 years of sanctions, 4 wars, CIA sponsored and led armed uprisings, etc. to bring it down. I asked myself why it took so long for wars there to stop. It was needed, so that people forget about benefits of life in previous state, and be grateful for any system that will bring peace. So, we now have small new 'countries', (colonies) that are under control of the Empire, with ruthless form or crony capitalism.

I could go for hours about it. Point is, you are right, this is unfolding in the same pattern, considering media focus on certain perspective, and obvious inner work of some intelligence agencies on the ground to channel it in certain way.

Those who are doing it perfected it in other places, US is just bigger model of it."

Yes, the old way has to be destroyed first, in order that people accept the New and Unimproved version. I did a podcast expanding on that subject....

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Earth, As Explained to Aliens

Can you imagine trying to explain our Reality to someone from another planet?

OK, we live on this planet, where 6 people own more wealth than 3.6 billion people, and they will do anything to maintain that wealth, including mass murder of living beings, including humans, and destruction of the ecosystem on which all life on Earth depends.

They own our governments and they also control a communication apparatus that beams through the air, to each individual, information that they want us to believe.

We all have to pretend to believe what they say, and we have to pretend that their employees are not liars, when they tell us lies, even though we also know that they are liars. (But not this time.)

If they tell us that 19 young Arabs shut down the entire national security and military apparatus of the most powerful country in the world, and disintegrated 3 massive skyscrapers, and also damaged the nerve center of the most powerful military in the world, we have to pretend to believe them.

If they tell us that the leader of an oil rich country is hoarding horrible weapons of mass destruction, even though inspectors can't find them, and he has plans to zoom across the Atlantic Ocean in speedboats, and throw those WMD onto our people living on the coasts, we have to pretend to believe them.

If they tell us that Russians poisoned people with the most powerful nerve agent ever invented, just because they are Evil like that (and it didn't actually kill anyone, including the guinea pigs), we have to pretend to believe them.

If they tell us that 13 trolls put memes on Facebook that overcame a $2 billion election, and 24/7 news coverage of that election, we have to pretend to believe them.

If anyone openly scoffs at such stories and says they are lies, then are not just batshit crazy (that goes without saying!) but they are disruptive to our social fabric and downright dangerous to innocent people, and must be stopped from saying such things where the minions can hear them, because it hurts their feelings to hear anything contrary to what the bosses tell them.

Personally, I hope that I never meet anyone from another planet, because it would be too damn embarrassing to try to explain this one to them.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Pfizer Profits Up

Good news for the True Believers now screaming that resistors must be forced into compliance, so that Big Pharma can rake in the Big Bucks!

Just one of the companies, the Pz one, made $18.98 BILLION just in the second quarter of 2021 alone!

But not just from the Magic Tonic, oh no, also from their drug Eliquis, used for blood clots, and Vyndaquel, used for cardiomyopathy. One hand washes the other, so to speak.

And the media, the government and the corporations are all onboard to keep those profits coming! The propaganda is ramping up and so are the mandates for segregation.

Segregation now, segregation forever, updated.

The Pz corporation thanks you for your eager and willing cooperation in the New Normal (which looks a lot like the old normal of previous totalitarian nightmare societies).

They want you to know that they will be rolling out another in their series of You Must Take This Or You Will Die products very soon, and that you WILL take it, because Resistance Is Futile

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Money Creation

We have no permanent money supply in this country. If someone doesn't borrow money, it doesn't exist. Yet, our entire system relies on money to function. This is an absurd predicament, yet very few people discuss it today, unlike in the 19th century, when it was a top story.

“The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Government's greatest creative opportunity. By the adoption of these principles, the long-felt want for a uniform medium will be satisfied. The taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest, discounts and exchanges. The financing of all public enterprises, the maintenance of stable government and ordered progress, and the conduct of the Treasury will become matters of practical administration. The people can and will be furnished with a currency as safe as their own government. Money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity. Democracy will rise superior to the money power.” - Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, August 5, 2021

This Isn't About Health or Science

The Offspring drummer was fired because he was advised by his doctor to avoid all vaccines due to his history of Guillen Barre. He also has recovered from covid and has natural immunity. These facts do not matter.

It's not about health.

A NY Post columnist complained that the CDC should not have released the data showing that the vaxxes neither provide immunity nor prevent transmission.

His reason for complaining? The data may make people reluctant to submit to the total jab agenda, so it should be suppressed.

It's not about the science.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Capitalism Must Grow Or Die

Capitalism must grow or die. There is no such thing as steady-state production, as Marx pointed out 150 years ago and our politicians and media point out constantly today, with their endless references to the necessity of economic growth.

That also applies to the drug companies. Their market must expand constantly, but there are only so many drugs a human population needs, or can afford.

So the drug companies try to expand their markets by inventing new diseases, or getting more of the population to take their drugs, and by getting government to mandate or purchase their drug products.

When it came out that the estrogen supplements they were selling to women, in the ''Forever Female'' ad campaign, were actually killing women with blood clots, sales dropped dramatically. Only the new campaign of ''Men can be women, with enough hormone ingestion" saved the sales.

Drugs were mostly taken by the elderly and infirm, until ''social anxiety'' and ''gender dysphoria'' were invented.

Infants and children were too healthy to need drugs, until Big Pharma got government to immunize themselves from lawsuits and then add 70 injections to the ''well baby schedule'' for the young.

But still they must accumulate, accumulate!

So now we have this push to ''put a needle in every arm in the world'', once, twice, three times and on and on, with government (the population) picking up the tab. The profits are rolling in, but they cannot rest on their laurels, they continue to push for more and more.

The environment has already been destroyed by the constant growth paradigm. Forests are gone, vast toxic pits remain from extracting minerals, the oceans are dying, species have gone extinct, the air is poisonous, rivers kill fish, and still the push for growth continues.

Why would anyone think that the people who killed off entire ecosystems would have qualms about killing off humans? Where do you think the military-industrial complex gets its profits?

Everyone who dies or is maimed by the injections is referred to as "externalities" by the publicly traded companies with a legal obligation to keep returns for their share holders rising regardless of whether or not the market is saturated. They have to create new markets or die. The corporation is like an organism in itself with no conscience, only a survival instinct. It must be fed even if that means consuming the society from which it sprang.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Found On The Internet

CDC advice on the vaccine ME: CDC, should I get poke if I already had Covid? CDC: “Yes, you should be poked regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19.” ME: Oh, okay, we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts. Got it. So, how long does poke-induced immunity last? CDC: “There is still a lot we are learning about COVID-19 pokes and CDC is constantly reviewing evidence and updating guidance. We don’t know how long protection lasts for those who are poked.” ME: Okay … but wait a second. I thought you said the reason I need the poke was because we don’t know how long my natural immunity lasts, but it seems like you’re saying we ALSO don’t know how long poke immunity lasts either. So, how exactly is the poke immunity better than my natural immunity? CDC: … ME: Uh … alright. But, haven’t there been a bunch of studies suggesting that natural immunity could last for years or decades? CDC: Yes. NEWYORKTIMES: “Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study.” ME: Ah. So natural immunity might last longer than poke immunity? CDC: Possibly. You never know. ME: Okay. If I get the poke, does that mean I won’t get sick? BRITAIN: Nope. We are just now entering a seasonal spike and about half of our infections and hospital admissions are poked people. ME: CDC, is this true? Are there a lot of people in the U.S. catching Covid after getting the poke? CDC: We stopped tracking breakthrough cases. We accept voluntary reports of breakthroughs but aren’t out there looking for them. ME: Does that mean that if someone comes in the hospital with Covid, you don’t track them because they’ve been poked? You only track the UN-poked Covid cases? CDC: That’s right. ME: Oh, okay. Hmm. Well, if I can still get sick after I get the poke, how is it helping me? CDC: We never said you wouldn’t get sick. We said it would reduce your chances of serious illness or death. ME: Oh, sorry. Alright, exactly how much does it reduce my chance of serious illness or death. CDC: We don’t know “exactly.” ME: Oh. Then what’s your best estimate for how much risk reduction there is? CDC: We don’t know, okay? Next question. ME: Um, if I’m healthy and don’t want the poke, is there any reason I should get it? CDC: Yes, for the collective. ME: How does the collective benefit from me getting poked? CDC: Because you could spread the virus to someone else who might get sick and die. ME: Can a poked person spread the virus to someone else? CDC: Yes. ME: So if I get poked, I could still spread the virus to someone else? CDC: Yes. ME: But I thought you just said, the REASON I should get poked was to prevent me spreading the virus? How does that make sense if I can still catch Covid and spread it after getting the poke? CDC: Never mind that. The other thing is, if you stay unpoked, there’s a chance the virus could possibly mutate into a strain that escapes the pokes protection, putting all poked people at risk. ME: So the poke stops the virus from mutating? CDC: No. ME: So it can still mutate in poked people? CDC: Yes. ME: This seems confusing. If the poke doesn’t stop mutations, and it doesn’t stop infections, then how does me getting poked help prevent a more deadly strain from evolving to escape the poke? CDC: You aren’t listening, okay? The bottom line is: as long as you are unpoked, you pose a threat to poked people. ME: But what KIND of threat?? CDC: The threat that they could get a serious case of Covid and possibly die. ME: My brain hurts. Didn’t you JUST say that the poke doesn’t keep people from catching Covid, but prevents a serious case or dying? Now it seems like you’re saying poked people can still easily die from Covid even after they got the poke just by running into an unpoked person! Which is it?? CDC: That’s it, we’re hanging up now. ME: Wait! I just want to make sure I understand all this. So, even if I ALREADY had Covid, I should STILL get poked, because we don’t know how long natural immunity lasts, and we also don’t know how long poke immunity lasts. And I should get the poke to keep a poked person from catching Covid from me, but even if I get the poke, I can give it to the poked person anyways. And, the other poked person can still easily catch a serious case of Covid from me and die. Do I have all that right? … ME: Um, hello? Is anyone there?

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Maybe humans actually do have a God Gene. Maybe there is an inner need to commune with others who share your beliefs in a higher purpose, while indulging in ritualistic behaviors and chanting mantras.

The corollary seems to be the belief that non-believers are sinful lesser beings who deserve scorn and ostracism, which always seems to accompany religion. The problem is when Church and State are one, and the organized power of the State can be brought to bear onto the heretics.

The USA has never had a state religion (unlike some of the colonies before there was a USA). We have the First Amendment, which separated church and state. That meant that a thousand flowers bloomed, from snake handlers to foot washers to organized religions inherited from the Middle East and elsewhere.

But 5 years ago our owners introduced the Devil personified, a figure around which a new religion was formed. At the time I compared the 24/7 Minutes of Hate presented on all media channels to Emmanual Goldstein, but now that the state has officially adopted the tenets of the new religion, I see that Trump represented the Devil to those people in this country who don't hold any traditional religious beliefs, so were in need of some deeper meaning in life to cling to.

And this explains why the True Believers of the new faith, which they call ''Science'', furiously denounce skeptics as ''right wing Christian Trumpers". It is true that Americans who hold traditional religious beliefs are somewhat less likely to have converted to the new religion.

They already have a biologically impossible belief, the idea the a dead person can rise again, they don't need to believe that humans can change sex. They believe that God loves all humans equally, so they are unlikely to adopt the belief that some races are born with unredeemable Original Sin, and that humans should be judged by the color of their skin. They already have priests and ministers issuing decrees, so are more likely to be resistant to the decrees of Pope Tony the Infallible.

I think that the dangerous ones are the True Believers, who now cheer on the State/Corporate alliance which is enforcing indoctrination on children and genuflection from adults. Traditional End Timers who crave the Second Coming, when Jesus metes out horrendous punishment to non-believers, got nothing on the liberals of today, who unashamedly spew their lurid fantasies of disease and death to those who refuse to submit to their dogmas.

This marriage of Church and State, which is actually a grab for power (just like previous grabs), is dangerous to those who prefer Enlightenment doctrines of free humanity, complete with civil liberties including free speech, bodily sovereignty, and free will.

The smug self-righteousness of those who ally themselves with power, as they cheer on the corporate/government (or private/public partnership or stakeholder capitalism, whatever you prefer to call it) cartel's overreach into matters of human conscience and autonomy, is reminiscent of past humans gathering to watch a public hanging or stoning of heretics.

And now the Biden government has announced that they will proselytize door-to-door, in the service of Big Pharma. The profits to be made from forcing every human on Earth to submit to forced inoculation are so great that the corporate/government prophets are salivating.

There are more profits to be made with this than the forced insurance company tithing that Obama pushed through. More money at stake than the billions made from convincing children that they were born in the "wrong body''.

This worldwide grab for ultimate power is audaciously bold. That is why it has taken years to roll out. This is bigger than the Catholic church taking over Europe and then riding with the Conquistadors to the Americas. This is Global Cap seizing wealth and power.

We are entering a new Dark Age. It doesn't look good for Free Thinkers.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Try To Follow The Plot, Please

Supposedly, Sesame Street was the beginning of the scattering of the American mind. Instead of TV shows that had a logical plot, dialogue that advanced that plot and a conclusion that wrapped up all loose ends advanced during the hour, SS flashed pictures, songs and disjointed words that were not connected with each other.

I sometimes bemoan my own decreased attention span since I got onto the internet. I rarely read books anymore, I just surf. But dude! At least I can follow the plot line of ongoing Major News Events and Scary New Threats.

Only last year, Fauci rolled out the idea of immunization passports and he said that they would go to those people who had recovered from the disease and those people who had submitted to the jab.

What happened to that? They changed it and NO ONE notices?? Now they are pushing for people with natural immunity to submit, and they tell some cock-eyed tale about how the GMO-induced immunity is real and true, not like that other immunity, even if it is the SAME damn immune system putting it out!

What the hell? Can no one remember the previous plot lines?

Last year we were excoriating Trump for allowing the virus into our country and our nursing homes, but this year the Delta strain shows up in India and then comes here a couple of months later and no one wonders how or why?

We still don't know how to stop the spread? That is complete bullshit and everyone should know it. Over a year of propaganda about how Trump should have stopped it, but now no one expects Biden or our public health officials to stop the new one?

Everyone should remember that cold and flu season is in the winter, not the spring and summer. Everyone should remember that last year deaths dropped dramatically when summer came. Why are we being told that this new variant is spreading through the summer?

But no one remembers. Watching the news is like watching Sesame Street, with new memes flashed constantly, no adherence to logic or previous themes, no coherent plot line and when the main character is exposed as a war criminal, no accountability!

How is it possible that the hero turns out to be the villain of the entire story and then the movie plays on without a denouement? And no one notices?

It's Magic

When I was a kid, I thought that the faces on Mt. Rushmore were a natural occurrence, like Jesus on a piece of toast.

But when I read that they were sculpted, I dropped my former belief, because, obviously, it made much more sense that it was deliberately sculpted.

I'm not embarrassed that I had Magical Thinking as a child, since I let new information change my mind.

And let's face it, we have adults today arguing strenuously that it is completely natural for human, bat, pangolin and ferret viruses to combine, including an entire genetic sequence which makes the virus attach easily to human ACE receptor cells. Completely natural.

Duh. Happens every day, just like wind and rain erosion carves human faces into mountains. Jeez, you would have to be a conspiracy theorist to think that bioweapons research labs working on gain-of-function coronaviruses have ANYTHING to do with the SARS 2 virus.

I'm glad that I grew up.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Pentagon Announces War On Americans

Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, gave testimony last week in which he claimed that the greatest threat to America today is angry white Americans. And the liberals cheered! Finally, the US war machine has seen the light!

In service to the new military campaign, Facebook rolled out new notices, in which users are informed that they might have been exposed to extremism! Or they might be thinking WrongThink extremist ideas and they need help! Or, maybe they know someone, family or friends, who might be thinking WrongThought, and need to be turned into Big Brother so that they can get the help they need.

This is a new and ominous step in the continuing campaign by our ruling overlords to lockdown, censor and criminalize dissent against their policies and agenda. I discuss it in my latest podcast.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Is Putin Using the Nixon ''Madman'' Tactic?

In 1969 Richard Nixon became president of the US. His staff encouraged the image of him as a madman capable of using nuclear weapons at the drop of a hat, in order to scare the North Vietnamese into surrender.

Even the most rabid of Russia haters should be able to see that Vladmir Putin is almost supernaturally patient with US provocations so far.

The constant demonization of him personally, the arming and training of terrorists in Syria trying to overthrow Russia's ally there, the coup in Ukraine which put open Russia-hating Nazis into power on Russia's border, the killing of 15,000 ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, the downing of Malaysian airliner 17, most likely done by Ukraine, but blamed on Russia, the downing of the Russian civilian airliner in Egypt that killed 224 people, the downing of the fighter Russian jet and the murder of its pilot, the killing of the Russian Red Army Choir on Christmas 2016, the 8 Russian ambassadors dying in 2016 (and one in early 2017), the closing of the Russian embassies, the stealing of their property and the insult of making the Embassy ambassador and staff wait on the tarmac instead of inside the airport, the moving of US and NATO troops to Russia's borders in January 2017 (as one of Obama's last moves), the accusations of poisoning of various people, the sanctions, the attempted bombing of another Russian airliner in May, 2017 (thwarted by Trump, which caused an uproar of outrage from the chattering class), the killing of Russians in Syria, etc.

None of these provocations have caused Putin to respond with military action, up until now. And the British provocation of June 24th was met with a non-lethal response also.

But in a press conference yesterday, June 30th, Putin responded to a question by asserting that Russia could have sunk the HMS Defender without starting a wider war. Say what? Don't we all know that the UK and the US would have pounced immediately to start a wider war? Why would Putin imply that there are rational people in the UK and the US who would prevail over the war mongers?

Is Putin tired of playing the role of the rational leader? Is he going for the Nixon "he's so crazy he might do anything" tactic? Maybe. But if he does respond militarily is he falling into a trap?

There is speculation that the response of the West, if Russia responds to their provocations, will not be war, but the unseating of Russia from the Security Council, so that they can no longer veto the US using the UN for their war and domination plans. This would be tragic for many people around the world who have been saved by Russia's vetoes so far.

Or the plan could be to use the Mighty Wurlitzer of mainstream Mockingbird media propaganda to stop France and Germany from making a seperate peace with Russia, thereby fulfilling the role of NATO, which was to keep the US in, Germany down and Russia out, as explained by the first NATO leader, Lord Ismay.

As the provocations continue, I guess we'll see how it will be played.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Minding My Own Business

"There I was, walking down the street, minding my own business, when all of a sudden, for no reason, I got attacked".

My husband, a lawyer, and I, an ER nurse, have heard versions of this narrative multiple times in our careers, which is why we crack up whenever international events happen in which spokespeople give the national version of it.

The latest is Britain. There they were, sailing their warship in the Black Sea, minding their own business, when all of a sudden, for no reason, Russia provoked them!

The nerve!

Friday, June 18, 2021

Nazi Germany, Rwanda, or Both?

The Niemoller lament that used to be frequently quoted "First they came for the communists" is never mentioned by the Vichy Democrats of today.

In the American case, it was "First they came for Alex Jones" and most self-identified liberals said nothing, although honest liberals like Glenn Greenwald and Caitlin Johnstone did speak up.

In the ensuing years, more and more censorship and bannings have taken place, but still the latte liberals are silent, or supportive.

Last year, they cheered on the mobs in the streets openly hunting down citizens wearing MAGA hats, culminating in the execution of a Trump-supporting man on the streets of Portland. The lawlessness and violence of the mobs, reminiscent of the mobs in Rwanda who hunted down and killed Tutsis and moderate Hutus, were supported and defended by the Democrats and their allies. A widely traveled Brit who visited Portland last year said that he was shocked to see graffiti on the walls calling for the murder of journalist Andy Ngo, (who had previously been beaten so badly by a mob that he suffered a subdural hemmorhage). He pointed out that that kind of violent intimidation is not usually seen in democratic countries, and he wondered why the authorities allowed it to stand. Why indeed.

Now our ruling overlords have moved into imprisoning political opponents, and instead of finally speaking up at this escalation of state oppression, Democrats openly gloat, including celebrating the well-known horrendous conditions of US prisons, which include inedible food and widespread rape of inmates. I saw a thread celebrating the arrest of a married couple who had entered the Capitol on Jan. 6th, who the poster said were prisoners 523 and 524, in which a series of commenters cheered on their impending weight loss from inedible food and rape by guards or other prisoners. There are over 500 American citizens now in jail, some in solitary confinement, for the crime of trespassing on public property (after the security guards opened the doors and let them in), but this is seen as a righteous step by the commenters.

As Steven Weinberg pointed out "With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.” In this case, the self-righteousness of the woke totalitarians comes not from organized religion, but their unshakeable belief that they are morally superior and thus entitled to wipe out the impure citizens who dare to disagree with them.

It looks like we are going to have a mixture of Nazi Germany, with organized state repression of all dissent, and Rwanda, where citizens take up arms and hunt down their political enemies. I am appalled and dismayed.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Research Shows That Some Peasants Can Think For Themselves

A group of woke researchers followed Americans who were skeptical of their betters and unwilling to accept royal pronouncements without question.

It turned out that these people were scientically literate. So the solution can't be to give them more information or teach them how to think critically. The problem (as explained by the researchers) is exactly that they are able to think critically.

I did a podcast about the study.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Brain Worms

One time, in the ER, a man from Mexico came in complaining of a severe headache. We did a CT scan, and put it up on the viewing screen, and there, plain for anyone to see, were the trichinosis worms in his brain. Anyone walking by reacted the same. "Eeeewww. No wonder his head hurts''.

Social media like Facebook and Twitter are the way that our ruling overlords scan the body politic and see how our minds work.

If they put out a particularly ridiculous brain worm, say "If an American president meets with a foreign leader, that bestows legitimacy upon that leader", or "$40,000 in ads on Facebook can overcome a $2 billion election", or "a man ate a bat in China and a couple of months later, nursing home patients in Washingon and legislators in Iran started dropping dead because of it" and millions of people accept that as some sort of credible idea and immediately start repeating it to their friends, as if they are being logical, then our monitors can see that, right there on their viewing screens.

And then they know that a certain percentage of Americans are idiots, and they react the same way "These people will fall for anything! Let's tell them that "Putin hacked our slaughterhouse grid and now meat is more expensive' and then we can put more troops on Russia's border"

If they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities. Voltaire

Monday, June 14, 2021

Forbidden Thoughts

In 2017, Congress demanded that the leaders of the three most popular social media companies, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, plus the most popular search engine, Google. present themselves to Congress for a scolding and demands for censorship.

Although the 1996 Telecommunications Act treated social media platforms as providers, not publishers, thereby protecting them from lawsuits for what citizens said on their platforms, Congress insisted that the ability of citizens to communicate with each other horizontally instead of receiving information top down from media companies, beamed individually into each house, car or phone, made it harder to control the narrative. If citizens were allowed to communicate with other people in their country and around the world, they could check facts, give reactions and share opinions.

How can a ruling class rule properly when citizens can think and speak freely among themselves? That is downright "undemocratic" as Congress members put it, so self unaware that they didn't realize how Orwellian they seemed to citizens who can think. You can't have a democracy without free speech and open debate, contrary to what our elected officials assert.

The CEOs of the corporations, offered a choice between a carpet of gold or a carpet leading to destitution and prison, turned their companies over to such entities as the Atlantic Council.

A new Thought Crime court was rolled out and the term "community standards" was introduced. Community standards are not defined and appear arbritary, with people being silenced for any dissent from Establishment pronouncements, or for using proper English pronouns, and even for sharing mainstream media articles deemed "hateful". Hate, like community standards, seems to be in the eye of the beholder. Citizens were forced to stop communicating freely and to start guessing what words or thoughts might trigger the all-seeing algorithms.

"Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak. . . . He set to work to exercise himself in crimestop. He presented himself with propositions—'the Party says the Earth is flat', 'the Party says that ice is heavier than water'—and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them."

"Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.” Emanuel Goldstein

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Welcome, My Friends, To The Show That Never Ends

"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality."

We're an Empire now, a fact-free, grifter-based, Fantasy World of magical thinking and widespread looting.

A place where Reality is whatever you think it is, the Public Treasury is up for grabs to the highest bidder, and ethics are for suckers.

Welcome, my friends, to the show that never ends.

And how do you spin a bioweapon release that killed 3.5 million people? With the usual finesse.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Binary vs Spectrum

Some years ago, a bunch of college students brought their passed-out friend into the ER. We did a blood alcohol test and it was high, around 300.

Her friends were very concerned by this and asked me "What is the number where you are legally dead?"

I was confused by their question at first. Then I tried to explain that there is no "legally dead" alcohol number, but I was unable to convince them. They kept demanding that I give them the number.

That is not how it works. You are either dead, or you are alive. Lab ETOH results do not change that status.

It is true that she had some superficial characteristics that made her look dead. She was lying there without moving and she was unresponsive.

However, on a cellular level, she was quite alive. Also, she was breathing and her heart was beating, and her skin was warm. That made her alive.

Yes, there are legal variations on the two states, such as brain death. But that distinction is also based on bodily reality, not a lab test.

And if a group of people all decide that their particularly stupid friend is ''brain dead'', that does not change the reality of his actual brain function. Their opinions do not change reality.

The young people of today (and some older ones) strongly believe that checking a different box on a form can make a person literally change their body sex. They are encouraged in this belief by the entire Establishment, which puts out articles, TV and movies and also passes laws to firm up this delusion.

There is bodily reality and there are appearances. Just as a passed out drunk is not actually dead, a person in a dress is not literally a woman, no matter what box they check on a vital statistics form.

That is not how it works.

Stupidity, like drunkenness, actually is on a spectrum. But sex is binary.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

The Spin About Fauci

Well, this is interesting. And dismaying. The control the Establishment has over the minds of the population is a never-ending source of amazement to me.

Can you imagine if back in the Zodiac Killer days people said "Who cares if the killer is still on the loose? We need to look forward, not backward."

And yet, they are spinning the gain-of-function research that their government is funding as something in the past, far, far away, and no longer of any interest.

The Democrats, who spent four years screaming about the Evil Russians buying Facebook ads, and the last year smothering themselves because of the Scary Virus, are now screaming that talking about bioweapon research is Racist and must not be done. It is of no interest to them where the Scary Virus originated. And leave St. Fauci alone! Instead, we should carry on talking about Bad People who go outside without covering their breathing holes.

The Republicans are screaming about the Evil Chinese, who hosted Dr. Fauci's research, because they let it out into the market, where it quickly spread to a Washington state nursing home, and then to New York nursing homes. How dare the Chinese spread their virus to our nursing homes in Democrat states!

No one is talking about shutting down germ warfare, starting with our very own Fort Dietrick, et. al.

Well played, Masters of the Universe, well played

Friday, May 21, 2021

Every time I bring up the fact that gain-of-function research is continuing, although it is obvious that the bioweapons labs should be shut down, there will be people berating me for caring about ''the past''. "What does it matter where it came from, it's here now" is the line.

What does it MATTER???

What is wrong with people? And the ones saying that are always the ones running around screaming about how everyone should wear masks and get vaccinated.

I didn't understand that until someone linked to a video about how the US is giving another billion dollars to carry out more gain-of-function research.

Say what? Are they crazy? Are we crazy to let them? What is wrong with people?

According to Saagar and Krystal, the reason that liberals don't want to hear about gain-of-function research is that they associate the condemnation of it with Trump, who calls SARS-2 ''the China virus''.

It should more properly be called the ''Fauci/Daszak virus'', as Saagar spells out in the video.

They are war criminals, who broke the law to continue gain-of-function bioweapon research, even when Obama banned it due to concerns of ethical scientists in 2014. (And where are they now?)

It is absolutely relevant today. The biggest war criminal of all is still in the government, the government is continuing the research and we are being hounded by the government to alter our behavior and submit to medical experimentation in the name of this escaped bioweapon.

I am so tired of apologists for mass murder saying ''Let's not talk about who killed who. What does it matter. Let's move on".

Nope. Not going to do it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Religion and Repression

When the Holy Roman Empire took over most of Europe and turned pagan tribes into Catholic serfs and peasants, they used religion to solidify class power.

When the conquistadors invaded the Americas, they had priests traveling with them to convert the natives.

When Americans headed across the continent, killing the natives and settling on their lands, they called it Manifest Destiny.

When the Europeans divided up Africa and Asia in the 19th century, they used missionaries as well as soldiers.

There appears to be anothe wealth and power grab by the .1% going on now, and they have introduced a new religion along with it, the trans religion. This religion requires suspension of reality, like others. You are required to believe in the transubstantiation of human biology. There is a dogma which tells us that there is no such thing as human sex, and simultaneously, that there are many human sexes. There are mantras "Transwomen are women, transmen are men" that the acolytes chant. Heretics are viciously attacked.

The entire Establishment has lined up to push this new religion. Government, corporations, NGOs, the media, the medical-industrial complex, Big Pharma, schools, universites, libraries, social workers, social media, the police, courts and prisons, the military and other Establishment forces are all onboard, demanding perferred pronouns, changing language, hounding people who use the word "woman" or "mother" as transphobic, and telling them to use "uterus havers" or "menstruators" or "pregnant people" instead. Although women are relabeled by their body parts when it suits the high priests, they also are forbidden to refer to their bodies when talking about female issues, like menstruation, pregnancy or breastfeeding, because talking about female issues is "transphobic". Having these kind of contradictory decrees about something so basic to human life as our bodies and how they function, is crazy making. Double standards and constant policing of language makes people afraid to speak out, thereby allowing the religion to take over without much resistance. Those who do resist are publicly viciously attacked to scare others into compliance.

This religion was taught to Millenials who went to college in the last couple of decades, but they didn't roll it out to the general public until Bruce Jenner became Caitlin, with a standing ovation at the Oscars, a cover story in Vanity Fair and a Woman of the Year award from Glamor magazine. That broke the ice, and the non-stop prosletyzing, and forced conversion started on all the above-mentioned fronts. Teenagers were targeted on YouTube and Reddit and now on TikTok, elementary schools now teach it in school under an "anti-bullying" rubric and toddlers get Drag Queen Story Hour. Schools are now told that if a child tells them they are trans, but their parents don't know, the school is to allow the child to change their name and "present" as the opposite sex without telling the parents. This breaking of the bonds between parents and children is part of the ruling class agenda. The breaking of bonds between humans is also on display with the shutting down of public gatherings in the last year. There is clearly an agenda, but it is difficult to see where it will lead. All we can know is that our ruling overlords are changing our society, handing trillions of dollars to themselves, and teaching compliance with non-reality to our population. Like previous takeovers in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa, the disruption to society is profound and the human misery it causes is widespread. We need to resist, and part of that is resisting the new religion.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Back on 12-29-20 our crack news media announced the first case of the "UK variant" in the US. A man in Colorado who had not traveled anywhere. I speculated at the time that this was a perfect way to track and trace and stop the spread of this variant. Remember last year, after the fomite hysteria, the gullible switched to demanding testing and track and trace? Sure you do! It was a big thing and they hired thousands of trackers.

But you will be shocked, shocked! to be told that the UK variant has somehow magically spread from Colorado across the entire USA, and is now the dominant strand. How did that happen? We don't know, and apparently no one wants to know.

Remember back then they told us that variants were really, really common, but they were usually less virulent than the original? They changed that story (I know you are shocked, shocked! again to see them completely change their story). Now we are told that India, who managed to go over a year without a big problem, has suddenly developed a New Improved More Lethal strain of covid, even though spring is the usual time for respiratory viruses to die out.

That's odd. Oh, no, wait, it's not odd according to our crack news teams of investigative reporters.

Here's another odd thing. They briefly admitted that SARS 2 was an engineered bioweapon, building on the Original SARS 1 virus released in 2002.

But no one is going to wonder how this new strain of lethal SARS appeared, in the spring, in a country that went over a year without massive deaths?

I guess not.

Shit happens, as they say.Talking about "exponential spread" is very misleading. In normal epidemiological curves, there is a very brief period of exponential growth during the very earliest stage of an epidemic, when none of the population has yet been exposed, so it's like fire spreading through dry grass.

The period of exponential growth is brief, and in all known cases, seasonally affected.

It makes zero sense that a country which had virtually zero spread during the first wave, or during peak spread weather... and a country with a very dense population and a lot of people without sanitation, would SUDDENLY experience a huge wave.

You only see those brief exponential growth spurts when a new infection is going into a naive population, or conditions change to make the spread much easier.

The theory that this is a new (but naturally occurring) much more virulent pathogen also flies in the face of conventional epidemiological history... since pathogens generally mutate to LESS harmful forms... biopathogens are "motivated" by improving their reproductive success, and killing hosts is a bad reproductive strategy.

So if it is genuinely a new much more virulent variant, that does point to intentional biowarfare -- an engineered pathogen. At this point, there is no credible controversy that COVID came from gain of function research, most likely that sponsored by the USA in Wuhan... known in scientific circles as the "Lab Leak Hypothesis."

What is harder to know is whether the release was intentional or accidental. If in fact, they're STILL working on more virulent variations, that does point towards the release being intentional, since another accidental release this soon seems unlikely.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Totalitarianism Marches On

The wheels of injustice grind slowly, but they grind increasingly fine. I wrote back in 2008 about marching in the illegal immigrant march of 2006, and how I told everyone there that they were participating in a propaganda performance designed to get Americans to support the Real ID Act. The marches were covered widely on TV. The effect of showing millions of people marching in the streets was no doubt calculated to make Americans feel invaded, in my opinion. Otherwise, they wouldn't have shown them, the way they don't show marches for peace.

A Chilean friend told me then that Pincochet was able to round up dissenters by requiring everyone to show up at arenas to get new ID. They had lists and the dissidents were rounded up easily when they showed up for their ID.

I was reminded of this while listening to Whitney Webb, who recently escaped Chile before a new crackdown. She was talking about the vaccination passports being pushed in various countries around the world, including the USA, and how they are not just about pushing everyone to get vaccinated, but about tracking everyone in a high tech way. No more Old School "Your papers please". No, now your card will show everything about you, including your medical history, your financial status and many others items of interest to your ruling overlords. They are pushing it in the USA and other countries as a matter of "public health", but in Chile they just used the military to push it through. The rulers will do whatever the population will tolerate, as Frederick Douglass pointed out.

It is now 2 decades since 9-11 and the subsequent roll-out of increasingly oppressive security regulations and privacy violations. A whole new generation has grown up accepting repressive strictures that previous generations would have rebelled against. I now see people saying "I have to submit, why shouldn't everyone?", which is the opposite of the traditional "I call for freedom for all" spirit that most Americans used to hold.

The wheels of injustive grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Mission Accomplished

The only thing that I am NOT confused about is the purpose of the ''insurrection''.

The ''insurrection'' stopped the joint hearing of Congress. A senator was laying out the evidence of election fraud on live CSPAN TV, the first time the entire country was able to hear it.

Pelosi and McConnell shut down the hearing and stopped the evidence from being given, the talking heads told the country that our sacred Capitol, the holy grounds of democracy, was being breached by violent heathens instigated by Trump, and Biden was later anointed without any more resistance from the Reps.

Since then, they started another impeachment, banned Trump from Twitter, put the Capitol under martial law, and have spent a month telling Americans that Trump supporters are white supremacist domestic terrorists who need to be cleansed, or reprogrammed or droned.

Mission Accomplished

During yesterday's impeachment hearing, they showed a video which edited Trump's words, by leaving out the ''peaceful and patriotically'' from his ''we will march to the Capitol''. Where are the fact checkers now?

Again, for the purposes of the impeachment, they are claiming that Trump's speech on that day was ''incitement'', because the USA still has laws which protect free speech, unless there is imminent incitement. (They are working very hard on destroying free speech laws, however, as anyone with 2 brain cells should be able to see). So they have to claim that the speech being given a mile away at the time of the riot somehow ''incited'' the riot. They do this by propaganda, which most people still (despite decades of proven lies) fall for.

BUT they also want to demonize the protesters there that day, and by association, all 74 million Trump voters, and shut down social media, so they simultaneously claim that the riot was ''pre-planned on the internet".

Get it? Trump imminently incited something that had already been planned. This only can be believed by people unclear on the basic American values of free speech and freedom of assembly. Unfortunately, that is millions of people, (who are growing more ignorant by the day).

In the meantime, the cop who we were told was killed by a fire extinguisher, and who was laid in the rotunda and given a hero's sendoff turns out not to have been actually harmed in the making of the narrative, and died from unknown causes.

The woman killed by the Capitol police has been pretty much ignored, and we still don't know the name of the cop who shot her. (Because, as it turns out, All Lives Do Not Matter).

The woman trampled is also of no interest, and the two other bit players we were told died, don't even get their stories told at all. They are like the Red Shirts in Star Trek.

And the two cops who died a couple of days after the production? We are told they ''committed suicide'' for unknown reasons. (Guess they had PTSD, like AOC.)

Speaking of AOC, why is this bit player who wasn't even part of the main event suddenly the star of the show? Three dead cops, 4 dead protesters, and we are all arguing over the proper amount of deference that should be paid to a stand-in who never got a walk-on part?

I found out yesterday that a friend who was there saw a ashen-faced, but conscious, young woman being wheeled out at 5:30pm that night, as most protesters had already left. She appeared gravely ill.

Who was she? What happened to her? Why is she not part of the script?

Oh, well. What is important here is that we stomp out free speech and freedom of assembly. Oh, and reprogram those stubborn people not going along with the agenda.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

All Of Washington, DC Is A Stage

Act One: Election stolen in obvious and blatant fashion. Multiple reports circulate about suitcases of ballots, computer switching and poll watchers banned.

Act Two: Hopes are raised and dashed, as courts refuse to hear cases and electors refuse to respond to the fraud evidence.

Act Three: Some Congress members announce that they will contest the election on January 6th, and Trump supporters flock to Washington, DC to show their support

Act Four: Citizens gather on the Capitol steps waving flags and milling around, as Senators start to debate the facts, aired live on C-Span.

Act Five: Capitol Police, unused to crowd control, allow 3 layers of "security" to be breached and let a crowd of citizens into the Capital.

Breathless news readers tell us that the Congressional debate has been cancelled for security reasons, as armed mobs breach the sacred grounds and storm the building. They interview various goombas in charge, who tell us "We never anticipated anything like this!" and "This is an attempted coup!"

A single shot kills a beautiful protester in the rotunda. (Shades of Neda Agha-Soltan) A single Capitol policeman retreats as the crowd follows him, and he leads them to the chamber.

Act Six: Most of Congress had already evacuated, but a few stage a photo op, with some of them cowering on the floor and others checking their phones. Breathless news readers tell us that they are in great danger from the armed mobs! But they all escape successfully and no Congress member was harmed in the making of the film.

Act Seven: Violent Americans roam around Congress, taking selfies of themselves sitting in various chairs. An actor from Arizona, distinctively dressed, yells loudly about Q.

Act Eight: They are asked to leave by Capitol police and do.

Act Nine: The Capitol police suddenly remember how to do crowd control at dusk, and quickly clear the Capitol steps.

Act Ten: Congress returns and rubber stamps Biden into the White House.

Act Ad Infinitum: News readers and pundits will pontificate for weeks about the violent coup attempt, no doubt using the words "white supremacists" and "right wing militias" in every sentence.