Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Before Oil

I was talking with my right wing co-worker one day and she was going on and on about how we don't need any government interference and handouts, and I strongly agreed with her, since the government had just taken part of my land in order to widen the street and let cars drive even faster, endangering my family and animals. Screw that!

She stared at me. "Well, no, the government needs to make roads! How will we get to work?"

I thought that was a bizarre question for someone brought up on a farm. There are people who have it in their living memories around here, of only going to town once a year, to get supplies.

But, apparently, she was too young to know that it used to be different. She assumed that the government should make roads, although it shouldn't make sure that people had food or medical care.

My grandmother lived in a small town in a valley in Utah. There were so few people there that the phone book had pictures of the families, as well as their phone numbers.

The only non-farm work there, when I was a kid, was turkey ranches, but a very old woman told me that she used to ride her horse up in the neighboring mountains. (Which seemed really far to ride).

My dad finally told me that there used to be a coal mine, open only in the winter, called Winter Camp (creatively enough), where the farmers would work after harvest.

So the old woman, when she was just a child, would ride with her father in the fall to the camp, and then bring his horse back home with her. In the spring, she would lead his horse and ride back to the camp to get him.

That is how they did.

When my parents got married, my father took her to meet his family, but one brother was herding sheep up in the mountains (where he stayed for months), so they saddled up two horses and rode all day into the mountains looking for him. Then they next day they rode back. My mom told me she was so saddle sore that she never got on a horse again.

One time, we went over the mountains in a car, to get to a town on the other side. It took us hours and hours, because the dirt road was narrow and rutted, and you literally could not go faster than 10 mph.

But now they tell me that that small town has spread and there are thousands of people living there. That town over the mountain is the one where the NSA data center is, I think, and the government put a paved highway over the mountain.

So these people are considered ''rural'', although they don't herd sheep or grow hay or ranch turkeys. They just live out in the middle of nowhere and expect the government to provide roads and gas and electricity, so they can drive 50 miles to work each day.

That is how they do.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Post Office Shutdown

The Post Office will not deliver mail on Wed. Dec 5th, in honor of George H. W. Bush. This is rather bizarre. I have never seen this before and hope that they don't make a habit of it.

However, if they restrict the honor to only those who were born into Nazi-trading families, who joined the CIA in its early years, who participated in the 1963 coup, who became head of the CIA during the 70s investigations, and helped destroy evidence, who then ran the White House for 12 years, running death squads and drugs through Central America to the US, who helped bribe corrupt officials in the USSR to destroy that union, and then profited from the looting, not just of their gold stockpiles, but of oil, Siberian timber and other riches, who then had a son put into the White House in time to preside over the WTC and Pentagon attacks, pushing through Homeland Repression and endless wars, starting with Afghanistan, which led to an explosion of heroin trafficking and then moving on to Iraq, to get the oil......I guess it's a limited list of people who qualify.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Factory shutdowns

Announcement of plant closings are treated in the US like predictions of hurricanes...something that is coming and cannot be stopped, a Force of Nature.

But, of course, they are not forces of nature, they are decisions made by humans.

Like hurricanes and tornadoes, however, plant closings are destructive and tear apart families, homes and communities, leaving child abuse, suicide and boarded up downtowns in their wake.

Enough is enough. A decent country, that cares about its citizens, will no longer put up with this kind of human-made human misery.

The factories must be handed over to the employees, at no charge, to be run by them on a not-for-profit basis, with all debt cancelled.

The taxpayers have bailed out the car companies enough. They are ungrateful and careless with human lives.

The workers deserve to take hold and operate the factories that they and their ancestors built and have run for all these decades.

Enough is enough!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

How Will Our Rulers Create More Prisoners?

The US has 25% of the world's prisoners, although we only have 5% of the world's population.

These prisoners provide profits to prison and other corporations. But there are mostly men locked up. How can our government work with the corporations to provide more prisoners to the gulag system? Especially the young, healthy prisoners that they prefer? The marchers now coming through Mexico will only add a few thousand to the system.

They could double the prison population, increasing profits, if they found a way to turn women into prisoners, especially young and healthy women. How to do that?

It is estimated that 30% of pregnancies end up in spontaneous abortion. That is a potential profit base that could make any prison stockholder drool with greed.

Hence, the push to criminalize abortion, both medical and spontaneous.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Persecution of Julian Assange

In 2006, the site Wikileaks was started. It was a response to the vapid state of the imperial ''news'' media, and was set up to provide a place where whistleblowers could release important information anonymously.
It has never published any inaccurate information.

In 2010, Wikileaks released information about the illegal US invasion of Iraq, including a video dubbed ''Collateral Murder'' which showed American soldiers causally murdering Iraqis on a street, including 2 Reuters journalists, and then murdering a citizen who stopped to help them, along with his children.

Ordinary Americans on the Democrat team cheered this release, and lauded Julian Assange as a hero. This is because the murders happened when the president was on the Republican team, so the Dem team was supportive of truth in journalism, free press and the rights of whistle blowers.

The Democrat team in charge of the country at that time, of course, had no such loyalties. Their loyalties were to the Empire (like all teams in the White House) and so they prosecuted and imprisoned the whistle blower, soldier Manning, and went after Julian Assange.

Famously, Hillary Clinton demanded to know why they couldn't just send a drone and blow him up with a Hellfire missile.
The US approached Finland, which refused to cooperate, but Sweden agreed, and issued a warrant for investigation into two sex charges filed by women who had had consensual sex with Assange that they didn't like. Assange was out on bail for 2 years, but in 2012, he took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, as Sweden was pushed into more aggressive extradition attempts.

Team Democrat continued to support Assange right up until 2016, when he released files showing that the DNC was corrupt and had fixed the primaries to make sure that Hillary Clinton won. The DNC and the media took the outrage that rank and file Dems had over this, and turned it onto Wikileaks. (And Russia, of course.)

The US Empire continued to be stymied by Ecuador's support for Assange, and the rumors that Wikileaks had files stored that could destroy high level flunkies, to be released by trusted associates if Assange were snatched up to be taken to the US, (where everyone agrees, he will be in great danger).

Late 2016, Professor Gavin MacFadyen, a co-founder and trusted advisor of Wikileaks, was found dead.

In early 2017, Correa left the presidency of Ecuador and a US stooge was put in.

In Jan of this year, another trusted Wikileaks member, James Dolan, was found dead. He was ruled a suicide.

In August of this year, a third Wikileaks insider, Arjen Kamphuis, disappeared in Norway.

Now, the US, this time under Team Republican (also supporters of Empire) has moved against Julian Assange in the final blow.

Team Dem plebes, not noticing that their leaders are the same as Team Rep, are now cheering on the persecution of Julian Assange. Bizarrely, they claim that an Australian who has never set foot in the US, is somehow a "traitor" to the US, because he published crimes of a private corporation, the DNC.

They aren't known for their logic.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Corrupt CEOs

Every year we Illinoisans are told that we owe another $10 billion or so to the state pension fund. Wow! Those pensioners must be getting some major raises in their monthly stipends!

No, that isn't it. It is going into the fund, not into pension checks. OK, well then, let's drop the fund and just institute a pay-as-you-go system, since current workers are providing 2/3 of the funding that goes to retirees anyway.

Oh, no, we can't do that! The law says we need a fund. Well, isn't that a happy thing for Wall Street? I wonder how that law got passed.

Meanwhile, in the land of corporations, trillions of dollars that should be going to shareholders (like the giant pension funds of Illinois, California, New York and the 401K funds like Vanguard) are going to corporate buy-backs of their own stocks. They want to keep the stock price up, because CEO pay and bonuses are based on that, not performance as a corporation. Except that means that returns on the stocks due to the funds don't happen. We are told that "returns are disappointing".

What, you say? We, the taxpayers are being told we have to pay more to keep CEOs bonuses up? And then we are told to be happy that the Dow Jones is at all time highs? And then we are told to pay more to our 401Ks, because some day, far, far in the future, we will have to live off those funds.

Except who thinks that anything will improve by the time Millennials retire? The CEOs aren't suddenly going to live frugally. The corporate boards, where compliant politicians are rewarded with seats, are not going to stand up to the CEOs. Those 401Ks will be worthless to Millennials as they are to the Baby Boomers, (a lot of whom already cashed out due to unexpected expenses, giving a huge cut to the government, who enforces forced savings by that manner).

And the millennials are being groomed to expect that the massive Social Security fund should also be turned over to Wall Street.

And they are falling for it, just as George Carlin predicted.

Monday, November 12, 2018

This Bus Is Going Over a Cliff

I took a Greyhound bus from Austin to Houston two years ago.

I saw what passes for a skyline approaching and then it disappeared. I didn't know what that meant. Just because you are on the bus doesn't mean you know what is going on.

At some point, the man behind me became agitated. He started yelling ''You're going the wrong way''. The driver denied it. The man got madder. More and more people on the bus started yelling, in English and Spanish. It was a cacophony. The driver pleaded for calm.
The man behind me threatened to kick the driver's ass if he went over a bridge, and the driver pulled over. Eventually, he turned around and got us into Houston, through instructions from the passengers.

We are on a bus hurtling to doom. There are people on the bus who are raising their voices in alarm.

Unfortunately, our bus has a big sound system, distracting the people in the back and assuring us that everything is fine. Some people on the bus are being paid to go the wrong way, and they are screaming to let the driver go forward. There are other people on the bus trying to drive, but most of them want to keep going the same route. And most people on the bus are arguing about whether the seat covers are suitably attractive.

We are screwed.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Senate ''concern'' for women

There is nothing more hypocritical than the Congressional circus now being spread on every imperial channel, from the networks, to YouTube to the BBC.

Before you feel all warm and fuzzy about any Senator speaking out against rape, remember that all of them are fine with the United States forcibly penetrating other people's countries, using violence to enter their space.

The US inserts itself, unwanted, into the body politic of sovereign nations, causing pain and blood wherever it does so, ignoring the screams of the people there and taking whatever our rulers want, as the targeted people sob in anguish.

It matters not that we are told "it's for their own good". That sounds too much like "You know you want it", to me.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

War Games on 9-11

A complicated plot, comprised of many interlocking strands, needs a webmaster to oversee it and make sure that it all comes together. I believe that Allen Dulles was the webmaster for the JFK assassination.

For the attacks of 2001, I believe it was Dick Cheney. He was tasked with finding a vice president for George the Lesser (who couldn't be trusted to do it himself), and he found that the only possible candidate competent enough in the USA was.... himself. After Jeb Bush and the Supreme Court put them in the White House, he immediately set up the Energy Task Force, which mapped out the remaining oil in the world. That is all we know about it, because Cheney went duck hunting with Scalia, before the Supreme Court ruled that the Energy Task Force report would remain secret from the American people.

In May of 2001, Cheney was put in charge of the US response to disasters. To quote the order..."This Office will be responsible for implementing the results of those parts of the national effort overseen by Vice President Cheney that deal with consequence management. Specifically it will coordinate all Federal programs dealing with weapons of mass destruction consequence management within the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services, Justice, and Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other federal agencies."

On Sept. 11th, Cheney was in the White House, directing things, while Georgie started the day out reading about goats, then flew around the US for awhile, before heading into a cave to hide out until it was safe to come out.

Then, Cheney disappeared for months, causing a minor stir in the press and allowing for many late night comedy jokes about where he might be.

James Corbett has put out a new video talking about the war games going on that day. There had never been so many war games going on at the same time. It confused FAA, Air Force and Norad personnel who were trying to respond to the reported highjackings.

I knew that the highjacked airliners, although staffed with experienced crews, inexplicitly never followed the standard protocols, but I did not know that other planes, who were not highjacked, squawked out false signals, including a KAL plane who sent out 5 signals, until honest USAF personnel forced them to stop.

Who did this? A very tall Arab hooked to a dialysis machine in a cave in Afghanistan? Using a laptop connected to the internet?
Or a very powerful member of the Deep State, in full control of US communication and defense apparatus?

Monday, September 10, 2018

Saving Private al Qaeda

It looks like the US is going to go ahead and pull a false flag gas attack in Syria, as an excuse to attack, even though a great many people are wise to them and know that it will be fake news.

Because it is totally logical for Assad, who is about to liberate yet another terrorist-held piece of his country, sending the Syrian army into a hellhole of well-armed and trained (by the US and UK) jihadists, to make the all-important military decision to have Syria be attacked by the full force of NATO.

Why would the small country of Syria, population 18 million, decide to do the one thing that would bring the most massive array of military force ever accumulated on this planet, down on their heads? Just for kicks? Shits and giggles? Just to make it more interesting?

You have to wonder about the reasoning capabilities of anyone who would swallow this.

But on top of that, we are coming up on the annual 9-11 Extravaganza, when we wax indignant about that nasty al Qaeda gang of criminals who hijacked our planes, shut down the entire US military and civilian security apparatus, and killed 3,000 people.
Boy, do we ever HATE al Qaeda!

Except that the FUKUS gang, plus Germany, have all announced that they will attack Syria to save al Qaeda in Idlib.

I truly wish that Americans had cognitive dissonance when presented with these kind of contradictory positions.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

The US attack on Syria

The US has been arming, training and supplying terrorists in Syria for the last 7 years. Using the terrorist's atrocities as an excuse, they have moved into Syria, are occupying 30% of Syrian territory, have built 18 military bases, and have claimed Syrian airspace as US airspace.

Russia came into the fray in Sept. 2015, at the request of Syria, which was reeling and about to go the way of Iraq and Libya, and since then, many areas of Syria have been reclaimed from terrorist control, each time to the loud screams and complaints of the US and its flunkies, with warnings of dire consequences for the civilians, none of which has actually taken place. The civilians are jubilant at their liberation. The US, however, controls most of the world's media, and whatever story they want disseminated is what gets disseminated. Thus, their hysterical warnings of genocide in #holocaustAleppo, (the first predicted genocide with its own hashtag) was pushed by little Bana Abed, and others, and took over the worldwide media, but never happened. Aleppo was liberated, the people celebrated, the city has been rebuilt and the refugees have returned. Meanwhile, little Bana, who was going to be slaughtered by the Evil Assad, got a standing ovation at the US Oscar ceremony last year. She was clearly alive. How is it possible that she was feted at the Academy Awards and simultaneously the US talks about the tragedy of Aleppo? THAT is the power of the Mighty Wurlitzer, as the CIA referred to the media.

Each area liberated since Russia got involved, has been warned of the upcoming battle, humanitarian corridors were set up for civilians to leave during the assault and then any terrorists who surrendered were allowed to be bused to Idlib. There was no bloodbath at any of the liberated areas.

There are, however, some unhappy citizens of Idlib, who have been terrorized and murdered by the terrorists who moved in and refused to live at peace with their new neighbors. The terrorists have put them under sharia law, murder anyone who protests, and have been shelling neighboring towns.

It is time for Syria to move in and clear them out. I watched the United Nations Security Council meeting yesterday on Sept. 7, 2018, which the US called in a last ditch attempt to protect their terrorists, who, as they and their vassals kept pointing out, are "only 0.5% of the population". What a bizarre argument for the USA to make! This is the country that has gone on a 17 year killing spree, in the name of "fighting terrorism", and has killed well over a million people, destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, and has bombed 7 countries, creating millions of refugees, and is now in partnership with Saudi Arabia, in the attack on Yemen, which is causing an actual humanitarian crisis (ignored by the "International Community"). The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, you might recall, was justified because the US said it wanted to capture one terrorist. But Syria cannot removed terrorists from their own territory, because there are only 50,000 of them???

The UNSC meeting was interesting because you could clearly see the control that the US has over other countries. African countries like Ethiopia, Cote D'Ivoire and Equatorial Guinea, and other vassals like Peru, Poland and Kuwait, all dutifully expressed their humanitarian concern for the people of Idlib, and called for a political solution (i.e., overthrow of the elected government), without any use of force against the terrorists.

The countries who have supplied support for the terrorists and who will be part of the military attack on Syria, like France, the UK and the USA, (which I call the FUKUS countries, cause I like the acronym), and their co-conspirators in Sweden and the Netherlands, spelled out the agenda.

They want no military attack on the terrorists, they want increased "humanitarian aid" to be supplied across the border from Turkey (Turkey was a chief conduit of military supplies to the terrorists until the 2016 coup, when it fell out with the US. Clearly, some new deal was struck when Turkey and the US met last Tues), and they want Assad to go, at which point they may, or may not, help with reconstruction. They also are threatening to bring Assad and top generals to "justice" for war crimes, which I assume means setting up another kangaroo court for the occasion. The French representative called humanitarian corridors, which Russia will set up for civilians, as it has in the past, potential "war crimes", which is mind-blowingly bizarre.

Only Russia and Syria responded with clarity and facts to the vapid recitation of "humanitarian concerns", pointed out that the Astana agreements were temporary and the terrorists have not stopped killing or shelling, therefore they are no longer valid, that the citizens of Idlib are being held hostage by the terrorists and are calling for help from their legitimate government to liberate them, and that Syria has every right under international law to protect its citizens from terrorists.

The Russian ambassador laid out the names and numbers of the various armed groups, named the ones that want to reconciliate with Syria, named the ones who won't (and pointed out that it was their sponsors in the west urging them to refuse to surrender), and laid out the plan to liberate the citizens, while allowing surrender of some groups, and the termination of those who keep fighting.

Then the idiot Niki Haley, who spoke immediately after the detailed report and plan was laid out by Russia, got up and spewed the most fact-free, unhinged, over-the-top propaganda, clearly unembarrassed that she was making a fool of herself. She claimed that Russia and Syria had the same "playbook" every time, that they surrounded a city, named every "man, woman and child a target", and starved them until they surrendered. But we already know this is untrue, we already saw the liberation of east Aleppo, Ghouta and Daara, we already saw the jubilation and celebration of the freed citizens, we already know that the rebuilding starts immediately. Plus, Russia had JUST laid out their plans to protect civilians and allow surrender and reconciliation of armed groups.

That is the arrogance of the US, certain that their control over the matrix media means that they can say any Big Lie, any flight of fancy, any wild accusations, and they will get away with it, since the truth will be smothered under the mass of the lies.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Free Speech, RIP

"Yes, the US spent $5 billion to overthrow the elected Ukrainian government, according to Victoria Nuland, who should know, since she was there, passing out cookies and picking the next dictator.
"Yats! Yats is the guy".
Now Ukraine has open Nazis in the government, glorifying their Nazi ancestors, killing over 10,000 civilians in eastern Ukraine, and attacking gays, Russians, Roma and political opponents in the rest of Ukraine.
But we're supposed to send those brutal Nazis more weapons?
On what planet is that a good idea?"

I made this comment on a Facebook thread in which Dems were complaining that Trump insisted that the Reps take out a plank in the Republican platform supporting sending more military aid to Ukraine, which the Dems were saying was a bad thing to do. Someone else pointed out that Ukraine has a fascist government, put in by the US in 2014, after the US supported a coup to overthrow the elected government. I then added my comment.

Facebook then informed me that I was banned for 24 hours, because my comment did not uphold "community standards".

Community standards? The community doesn't approve of anti-Nazi statements? What kind of community are you people running here?

On second thought, it is perfectly logical that the community supports Nazis, and censors truth-tellers. This is what the US has devolved to.

When I was a kid, snitches were frowned upon and free speech was upheld. It was not the First Amendment that guaranteed free speech as much as the widely held belief among Americans that everyone had a right to express their opinion.

From the "I may not agree with what you have to say but I will defend to the death your right to say it", to the frequently expressed saying, when someone said or did something uncommon or bizarre, "Hey! It's a free country" (usually accompanied by a shrug of the shoulders).

But, no more. Starting with the indoctrination that "offensive speech" was not to be allowed, through safe places for the easily offended, right up to the rousing of the social justice warriors to violence, with the battle cry "Punch a Nazi!", the idea that bad words were to be stopped, by rules or by violence, has been widely accepted by those who formerly would have been in the forefront of defending people's rights.

After Mark Zuckerberg was hauled in front of Congress, and sternly lectured that Facebook could no longer allow people to say whatever they wanted, (what kind of nonsense is this "free speech"?) because, as they put it, they didn't want the Wild West (i.e. freedom) to continue, those sniveling snowflake snitches who can't stand to see someone express an opinion, or give facts, of which they disapprove, have been given immense powers to simply banish people to the cornfield.

What a gift to bullying goons! You don't like another person's ideas? You disapprove of their facts? Report them to the authorities, and they are gone, banished, disappeared. You have turned the Wild West into something more to your liking, Oceania. And any Winston Smiths still around will be dealt with appropriately.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

National Sovereignty

After the 30 Years War, in 1648, Europeans decided that going to war over other people's internal affairs was no longer fun, and they signed the Treaty of Westphalia, which guaranteed that every country had a right to determine for themselves their own form of government.

National sovereignty is also the basis for the United Nations Charter.

For some reason, 370 years after the Treaty was signed, Americans have been persuaded that the USA has the right to tell other people how to run their own countries, and simpleton Americans can be convinced into attacking other countries, or even attacking diplomacy, in the name of Indignation At Those Bad People Over There.

This is medieval thinking. It is time to get past it.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Endless War and the Democrats

The anti-Green Dems never shut up about their sense of entitlement to people's votes. They scream, they insult, they smear voters who care about the issues of war and peace, and the environment.

Let me try to reach any Dems one more time.

There are a small minority of Americans for whom both duopoly death cult war parties are odious. To us, the pain, misery and death the US spreads around the world are issues of important priority.

I understand Dems. The massive deaths, human misery and environmental destruction caused by your owners destroying yet another country is not as important to you as your Fantasy Supreme Court. Gotcha.

Crying children maimed or orphaned by US bombs, desperate refugees fleeing for their lives, destroyed infrastructure and depleted uranium killing long after the bombs stop, I get it, you don't care. Only 5% of Americans seem to care.

So leave us alone, and go try to recruit some of your own kind to vote for your corrupt war mongering favorite candidate. There are far more of you than there are of us. (Although, maybe that's why you prefer to bully us, rather than go out and get other people to the polls. Just like your rulers prefer to blow up countries that are not capable of mounting an effective defense. That's how bullies do.)

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Mind worms

One time, in the ER, a man from Mexico came in complaining of a severe headache. We did a CT scan, and put it up on the viewing screen, and there, plain for anyone to see, were the trichinosis worms in his brain. Anyone walking by reacted the same. "Eeeewww. No wonder his head hurts".

Social media like Facebook and Twitter are the way that our ruling overlords scan the body politic and see how our minds work.
If they put out a particularly ridiculous brain worm, say....
"If an American president meets with a foreign leader, that bestows legitimacy upon that leader'',
or ''$40,000 in ads on Facebook can overcome a $2 billion election'',
and millions of people accept that as some sort of credible idea and immediately start repeating it to their friends, as if they are being logical, then our monitors can see that, right there on their viewing screens.

And then they know that a certain percentage of Americans are idiots, and they react the same way...
"These people will fall for anything! Let's tell them again that 'Assad is gassing his own people'! and then go bomb Syria again. They'll believe it, they believe anything".

"If they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities". Voltaire

Monday, February 26, 2018

Charlotte's Web

In the book ''Charlotte's Web'', a pig is scheduled for slaughter, and a spider decides to help him.
Every night, she spins a web with a word praising him.

As people come by, they internalize the message and crowds of admirers are soon thronging the pen, murmuring to each other about his awesomeness.

In the entire book, there is only one man who reads the words ''Some Pig'' and says "I'd say that is some spider''. No one else listens to him, of course.

Today we have an unprecedented situation, with social media, in which the man can share his observations to a wider crowd. Most people, of course, still accept the spin as presented, but there are those whose eyes are opened, and who say, ''Yes, indeed, it is the spider who is the radiant one''. Not many, but some.
Sure, most of the crowd will turn on those people, sneering and jeering and saying ''Some spider???? What the hell are you talking about? Damn conspiracy theorist. Quit being so divisive".

But, clearly enough people are sharing dissident ideas to make our rulers nervous. Hence, the censorship.
Sure, the dissidents complain, but the throngs are fine with it.

Who wants to hear about spiders, when you have a terrific pig to focus upon? Shut them down!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Pulling the Plug

Like many people, I have viewed the demonization of Trump for the last year and a half at face value, drawing the conclusion that the ruling class hates him and wants him gone.
That conclusion has baffled me, however, because I could not see why they hated him so. But, clearly, they did. I, like many other people, was hopeful that it meant that he was secretly an agent of peace, or maybe a threat to the pedophile rings that run rampant among the elite.
But, maybe not.
Watching John Stockwell speak in the 80s about the fact that the elites were ready to let us sink, listening to Catherine Austin Fitts say that she was told the same thing in the 90s, having a friend of a friend post a graph on Facebook showing the increasing debt and decreasing wages of the working class over the last 40 years.....
I now think that Trump is the face of the final collapse, the hated scapegoat that will be blamed for it all.
Why the hell would Angela Merkel blow off the revelation that the NSA was spying on her, in the Obama years, but now come out and say that Trump was so personally horrendous that Germany couldn't put up with the US anymore? (Paraphrased, obviously).
And England, which was said to be playing footsie with the BRICs, now suddenly so shocked, shocked! that Trump said something racist that they have disinvited him to visit. (Really, England? Who the hell do you think you are fooling?).
Another friend of a friend posted this, and I agree....
''We are living through a time when lies and corruption are being exposed on a daily basis and the 'gloves are off' at this point through Trump. No need to pretend any more. No need to slow dance, any more. I am personally encouraging my children to remain childless and enjoy their lives as long as possible. We are at a tipping point and soon our complacency will the ultimate contributing factor in our own enslavement.....Just like in film we are slowly being shepherded back to a time when mere existence was a struggle for most, when few had the means to live extraordinary lives.''
I am absolutely NOT saying that they are going to kill us. I find that paranoid and ridiculous. They DO need plenty of cheap labor and cannon fodder. I am just saying that they are no longer going to provide a safety net, or public amenities, or health and education.
They are going to let us breed as usual, but only the strongest and healthiest will survive, and those will be the ones who provide the labor and the cannon fodder.
I assume that we will be like India or Indonesia, except, most likely, still will provide the world-wide killing teams necessary to keep the world down.
That is why I don't want my kids to breed. No point in bringing more human chattel into this world, and I certainly don't want any descendants of mine to live in the dystopia.