Monday, March 25, 2019

The Results of Russiagate

Although Russiagate should be over now, desperate delusional dems seem determined to hang on to their hope that the president of the US is a puppet of a foreign government. It seems to provide them with comfort somehow.

But this country is much worse off than it was 2 1/2 years ago, when the DNC tried to divert attention from the contents of its emails, (which proved that they had rigged the primaries for Hillary Clinton) by accusing Russia of hacking the emails in an attempt to sway the election by providing voters with information.

This was always a bizarre claim. Putin pointed out in an interview that it didn't matter to Russia who the US president was, since the policies never really changed and Russia deals with them as they come.

He was too polite to state the blaringly obvious...that Americans don't vote based on facts or information, so releasing information is about the least effective way to influence an election. Do you think that the $2 billion spent on the 2016 election by the duopoly parties was about giving facts and information to the voters???? Oh, please. Look at the ads, look at the fliers, look at the speeches. You would have to be a fact-free non-thinker to believe that the Russians thought that Americans could be swayed by giving them information.

The Mueller Report itself is absolute proof that Americans are unmoved by facts and information, since we are watching half of America, the half that has confidently been waiting for it for 20 months, now utterly and hysterically rejecting it, since its facts do not support their delusions. But those same Americans used the DNC emails to inform their vote? It is to laugh.

But here we are, almost 3 years later, and Democrats now scream with outrage at any attempts at peace-making, not just with Russia, but also in Syria and North Korea. They even complain about stopping oil-burning military exercises on DPRKs border, while at the SAME TIME complaining that nothing is being done about climate change.

Worse, they support increased provocations to Russia, including troops and missiles and war games on Russia's borders, and bombing and invasion of Russia's allies. It seems that Dems would prefer thermonuclear war to peace, if that would get rid of Trump.

The Dems now laud the spy agencies and call any criticism of them "treason".

They insist that the internet needs censorship and that free speech is "outdated", and they are happy to have the spy agencies collude with Silicon Valley to stomp out dissent, in the name of "fake news".

If there is anything we don't need in this country, it is censorship, hero worship of the MIC, division of the working class, or outright war. But these are exactly the results of this Russiagate hysteria.

It is almost as if we have two realities in this country now. We have the Fox News version and the CNN version, and the followers of each refuse to listen to facts, instead sticking to their preferred narratives. The two groups hate each other with a passion, but only the CNN watchers blame this deep division on "Russia". All you have to do is look at the 24/7 propaganda spewing on the TV and radio to see that division is being sown. It is incredible that people could possibly believe that Russia is doing this. There are 5 media corporations which own almost every media outlet in this country, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, internet corporations, and none of them are Russian.

As people are pointing out, Jessie Smollett filed a false police report, which led to a couple of weeks of increased division in this country, and he is now being charged for it.

Will the Russiagate propagators be charged for putting out 2 years of false reports, leading to division, censorship and increased threat of war?

Don't hold your breath.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Spin Control

This is going to be interesting.

Remember how Democrats were taught that Comey was evil, but then their overlords changed the rhetoric, but most of them didn't notice, so that when Colbert said Comey had been fired, they all cheered, and he had to tell them that no, that was Bad now? And then they all booed, obediently?

I see that this latest tragedy is getting the Dems to yell about gun control, the way they usually do, but they haven't noticed that the spin is different for this one. This one is about censoring social media.

It will be interesting to watch how fast they fall into line. I'm predicting no more than a couple of days.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Body Appreciation

It seems you appreciate things more when they are gone. I have a cold, and it made me realize how nice good health is and how much I really like my body. I rarely get sick, I have no chronic pains or illnesses, and it usually works well.

Then I realized that we are not supposed to like our bodies, in today's society, mostly because of how they look. We are supposed to be dissatisfied.

It occurred to me that when I was a kid, the Establishment was big on physical fitness. You were supposed to eat balanced meals and you were supposed to exercise, for fitness. They really pushed it, as I recall. Your body was your temple, and you were supposed to take good care of it.

The goal was "vim and vigor", not looks.

My mom exercised to Jack LaLaine, on the TV, my dad did Royal Canadian exercises, and my schools made us do push ups, and sit ups, and jumping jacks, and run laps around the field.

When did that change? I remember in the 80s, as Big Ag took over and fossil fuel use skyrocketed, obesity also grew in the US. And then the main talk was about eating and exercising to lose weight, not for good health.

And now, do they even do that? It seems to have lessened. The big push now by the Establishment seems to be to tell kids that ''you might have been born in the wrong body''. Say what? That is nuts. Why would they tell children such things?

The whole damn society has gone insane.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Unsustainable Capitalism

More and more people are catching on to the fact that our monetary system is unsustainable and insane.

Having a debt-based monetary system means that more money must constantly be borrowed, to pay the interest, or the whole thing collapses.
This causes inflation, which is viewed by most citizens as a Bad Thing, so people are speaking out for a non-debt-based monetary system.

But the economic system is also unsustainable. Having a profit-based system means that production must continually grow, and be sold,or the whole thing collapses. This causes trade wars, environmental destruction, labor exploitation, massive waste, and eventually, hot wars.

Profits, unlike inflation, are viewed by most citizens as a Good Thing, so very few people speak out for a needs-based production system.

Both systems are Ponzi schemes, which can only function with continual growth, and which lead to bubbles, which pop regularly. Either we change both, or we perish.