Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Transubstantiation of Human Biology in the New Religion

Transubstantiation is the Catholic belief that the bread and wine they consume during Mass is actually the body and blood of Christ. For some centuries in Europe, the Catholic Church had the power to force the population into believing this, using torture and murder to enforce their decree. Eventually, people rebelled and during the Enlightenment the principles of freedom of thought, religion and speech spread widely among the population.

When England was ruled by autocratic monarchs, the entire population was forced to convert religions when the throne changed hands. I have always found this fascinating. One day you're a Catholic and the next you're a Protestant? Didn't that cause consternation? Did no one rebel?

Here we are in the 21st century, and England, as well as her former colonies, are being forced into a new religion in an audacious and Orwellian grab for our minds by our new ruling overlords. As Orwell, Arendt and others have pointed out, forcing people to chant something that is clearly not true is the ultimate in power. It seems that our rulers have become very confident in their abilities to control the citizens and our beliefs and behavior.

How is it possible that entire sections of the population now profess to believe that sex is not real, as demanded by the Establishment? Is there anything more basic to human life than the division of the sexes into male and female? Is there anything more basic to the diversity of life on this planet than sexual reproduction among most life forms, from plant life to animal life? How can our opinion makers be so audacious as to set for themselves the task of forcing humans to deny the most basic facts and reality?

A heretic named Maya Forester, in England, stood up to the new religion, tweeting out her opposition to a new law which would allow anyone in the UK to "self ID" and gain the backing of the government to declare themselves a different sex than the one determined at conception, or, as the new doctrine chants "the doctor assigns at birth". Yes, the new scripture tells us that the age old maternal question, when a woman delivers a child, "Is it a boy or a girl?" is now randomly decided by the birth attendant, not noted by everyone in the delivery area.

This you must believe. Maya does not, and was fired by her employer for stating so, not while she was at work, doing her job that has absolutely nothing to do with religion, but on her non-paid hours of life. In other words, wage slaves are now considered to be slaves on their off hours, as well as the hours they put in working for their employer.

Maya appealed to the court which is set up to protect the beliefs of UK citizens from the whims of their employers, but the court ruled that her belief that sex is immutable and cannot be changed by plastic surgery, hormones, or "self declaration" is such a horrendous belief that she is too horrible a heretic to be allowed to continue to work on tax policy for the foundation.

The entire Establishment, as shown by this ruling, is firmly behind the new religion. The government, the courts, the media, the schools and universities, the medical industrial complex, the military, the prisons, the police, social workers and librarians are all pushing the agenda and enforcing the decrees.

Transgender is the new transubstantiation, belief in biology is the new heresy and speaking the truth that every one on the planet knew to be true until a couple of years ago, is the new blasphemy. The English language is being forcibly changed, and the newly invented blasphemies of "misgendering" and "deadnaming" (both still unknown by Spellcheck) are strictly enforced. Firing and banning are the new methods of the Inquisitors, and the frothing mobs of the Woke are the new villagers, eager to attend the hangings and burnings at the stake.

JK Rowling, a popular author of fantasy books for children, made the mistake of standing up for reality, and the torch-wielding mobs turned on her with fury.

She tweeted into the public square this mild stand for freedom....
and the howling has not stopped.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Background on Ukrainian Coup and Grifter Corruption

A concise history of the coup in Ukraine and the ties to the impeachment of Trump, told from a right wing point of view, but accurate in the facts.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

   Women were once centered in family, tribal and village life, as well as in actual old time religion.
The breaking of these traditions was brutal, and involved mass torture and murder over centuries. We learn nothing of this in school or the media, with only cultural references to ''witch trials'' and ''witch burnings'' remaining, as ''knocking on wood'' is the only remnant of the pagan religion of the Brits.
  "We have all heard of Europe’s 400 years of witch persecutions, from the 14th to the 18th centuries, but few are aware of the enormous extent of the holocaust. The church likes to pretend that “only a few hundred thousand” innocents were murdered, but secular sources estimate as many as nine million. (Four centuries of killing can dispose of a good many people.) Over 85% of them were female: grandmothers, mothers, maidens, even children, mostly illiterate peasants who couldn’t even understand the questions their torturers asked, and in their agony begged to be told what to confess to. Local chroniclers spoke of stakes set up as thick as a forest, and hundreds slaughtered in a single day. At the height of the frenzy, we read of villages in Germany and France where only one or two women were left alive. In some places, whole villages were destroyed altogether."
   And now women speaking is once again considered to be blasphemy and heresy. And the MOPEs use the images of the past, barely remembered, in their attempt to stomp out the gains women have made in the last 50 years, with images of women tied to stakes and burned, or hanged. Coincidence? I think not.
    ''The Greeks’ principal Goddess of oracular powers, magic, and midwifery was Hecate, derived from the Egyptian pre-dynastic term for a tribal matriarch, hek, which meant a wise-woman versed in the hekau or “words of power.”[6] This was a woman having the authority of the logos, the creative word. She could make things happen just by speaking—as witches, centuries later, were supposed to make things happen by speaking their curses or spells''.
    As women now are said to have the power of ''erasing'' people, just by speaking.