The military-industrial complex has now insinuated itself so thoroughly into the fabric of US society that it is routinely justified by the fact that millions of Americans are employed making WMD.
"Sure, your job is to help the Empire kill for power and wealth, but when the Death Merchants profit, you get paid", they say, without a hint of ethics or morality.
Today my computer pushed a ProPublica article on me trashing Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and RFK, Jr., for planning to change the focus of the NIH from vaccines to improving the general health of Americans.
ProPublica is riled up about this. Bioweapons research creates jobs!
How dare our public health officials switch to actually improving the health of the population!
I find this amazing. Pushing the production of weapons that kill humans by exploding them, or hurling projectiles into their innards, is one thing. We have been listening to justifications to that for decades.
But pushing the production of weapons that kill by disease? These are the same liberal types who scream about the "million dead Americans" from the last bioweapon release.
But now it's OK, because "jobs, jobs, jobs"?
"Grants from NIAID flow to nearly every state and more than half of the congressional districts across the country, supporting thousands of jobs nationwide.......
Research suggests that every dollar spent by NIH generates from $2.50 to $8 in economic activity."
Well, OK then.
And then they let slip a glitch in the matrix:
"The NIH pays for most of the basic research globally into new drugs. The private sector relies on this public funding; researchers at Bentley University found that NIH money was behind every new pharmaceutical approved from 2010 through 2019."
Wait! That's not the usual mantra. We are normally told that the reason for the exorbitant profits of pharma is the necessity for them to do research and development, which is expensive.
But faced with the cut-off of the money, they admit that it is pubic money that funds research and development, which is then handed over to private corporations so that they may profit from the high prices they charge. And that also creates jobs!
"When private companies turn that research into blockbuster drugs, the public benefits from new treatments, as well as jobs and economic growth."
Unfriggingbelievable that they could push this with a straight face.