Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Congressional Speaker Of House Deadlock Solved

We have breaking news. There may be a new breakthrough in the ongoing paralysis in the U.S. House of Representatives, as a divided Republican caucus continues to struggle to find a consensus candidate to serve as House Speaker, due to the divide between so-called moderate Republicans and the more radical Freedom Caucus. Just moments ago, interim speaker Patrick McHenry announced that House Republicans have found a new compromise candidate who may be able to bridge the divide, and win over some Democratic votes to boot. The new candidate? A new artificial intelligence app, called ChatGOP!

Developed by the makers of ChatGTP, ChatGOP will rely on a sophisticated algorithm that will analyze all of the campaign contributors and levels of contribution for all members of Congress, and their political agendas, as well as the political agendas of all lobbyists who have held meetings with members of Congress over the past 24 months. It will then develop policy proposals and even draft bills carefully calculated to win majority support, based on those agendas, and dole out committee assignments and chairmanships calculated to efficiently move those bills to a vote. ChatGOPs developers claim that this program will streamline the legislative process and make legislating in the interests of America’s leading financial and business corporations much more efficient. Instead of gridlock, it will keep our federal government in an even tighter headlock on behalf of America’s most powerful plutocrats. A vote to approve ChatBOP as the nation’s 119th Speaker of the House is expected to take place by mid-week.

Monday, October 9, 2023

The New, New Pearl Harbor

"We’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran," General Wesley Clark

Five years? The hubris! They haven't even finished with the first six and it's been 22 years.

Looks like the New Pearl Harbor event, 9-11, used to rampage through the first six countries, has worn off. So they need a New New Pearl Harbor, now also known as the New 9-11. (The marketing department works fast.)

But they drilled the story of the Sunni vs Shiite hatred into us for years, to explain why the Iraq insurgency devolved into internecine warfare after two years (and the arrival of Negroponte and James Steele to set up the Salvadorean Solution in Iraq).

"They have hated each other for centuries" they told us, eager to share history with Americans, because they want us to be educated and aware.

But now we are supposed to believe that Hamas, a creation of Israel, based on the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood, is BFFs with Shiite Iran.

And we are supposed to believe that Iran has a "ratline" straight into Gaza, through which they pour missiles, guns and ammo, without the Israelis knowing about it.

Sure, dudes.

And then they use the "Intelligence failure" line again, to top it of!

And a music festival with undesirables is attacked. Shades of Las Vegas, 2017.

They just keep remaking the old movies.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Atrocity in Syria

Terrorists struck at a graduation ceremony today in Homs, Syria, killing at least 154 people and injuring at least 125. The Syrian military released this statement:

" Continuing their criminal approach and continuing to shed Syrian blood, armed terrorist organizations supported by well-known international parties this afternoon targeted the graduation ceremony of military college officer students in Homs with marches carrying explosive ammunition, immediately after the ceremony ended, resulting in the death of a number of martyrs, both civilians and military personnel. Dozens of people were injured, including critical injuries, among the invited families, including women and children, in addition to a number of college students participating in the graduation.

The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces considers this cowardly terrorist act, an unprecedented criminal act, and affirms that it will respond with full force and decisiveness to these terrorist organizations wherever they exist, and stresses that the planners and executors of this criminal act will be held accountable, for which they will pay dearly.

General Command of the Army and Armed Forces

Zeina Zuhair Shalhoub, killed in the attack

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Asset Forfeiture Announced

I was watching Don DeBar on Jimmy Dore while fixing lunch, and the next video rolled up when the first one ended.

It wasn't another Jimmy Dore. It was a press conference, with Merrick Garland, backed by an entire row of Blob enforcers, blaming the fentanyl crisis on China, and threatening sanctions.

China? The fentanyl crisis started as the Blob pulled away from Afghan heroin. I assume that the companies in China making the precursors are US funded, the way Fauxi funded the lab in Wuhan. This is probably the same kind of interference DEA agents testify happens in Mexico, when the CIA steps in to favor their cartels over competing ones.

But even worse, Garland stepped down and some young Black man, from Treasury, stepped up to tell us that the Feds plan to confiscate the bank accounts of everyone who has a fentanyl user in their family, or is friends with one, or even knows one. Family, friends and acquaintances.....Six Degrees of Separation they will use to separate you from your bank acct.

It's asset forfeiture on steroids. It is the bank bail-in that Ellen Brown has been warning about, just rolling out in a sneaky way.

The banks are in trouble. This is their plan to patch them up.

Plus, doesn't the sprawling Kennedy family has drug users among them. Lawfare to steal RFK, Jr's campaign funds, using the excuse that his second cousin uses fentanyl?

Wait for it.