Monday, September 2, 2024

Junk Food Brings You Joy

This is awesome. The surprise combining of Bad Orange Man and Crazy Scary Man, on an "improve the health of America" platform has caused the narrative creators to scramble. They were not expecting this!

No worries, they can handle it.

Here's the first salvo from AP, titled "Ultraprocessed Foods Are Everywhere. How Bad Are They?"

Long article, full of words familiar to Americans who recently went through the "No, Vaccines Were Never Meant to Give You Immunity" switcharoo, which a surprising (to me, because I just can't give up my belief in basic human intelligence) number of people swallowed.

But eating healthily has been a liberal tenet for decades. Sneering at people who eat junk food is part of their basic doctrine. Now the whole dogma must do a 180, similar to when they suddenly were informed that the Sniffer in Chief was not actually sharp as a tack, and suddenly had to support the Cackler instead. It's enough to make a thinking person dizzy.

The money quote:

"It’s important not to vilify certain foods, she added. Many consumers don’t have the time or money to cook most meals from scratch. “I think foods should be joyous and delicious and shouldn’t involve moral judgment,” Musicus said"

Get it? You need to get onboard the Joy Train, and eat food designed to appeal to your taste buds. Don't be disrespectful of those food scientists who worked so hard to come up with just the right balance of salt, sugar, and fat to appeal to you.

Follow the science!

Next up: Eating healthy food is racist!