Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Coup in Venezuela- Russia Redux?

Perusing social media, I came across a Russian commenting that in the US-backed coup in of 1991, when the Soviet Union was destroyed, there were also two presidents and two parliaments operating for a while.
I had never heard of this before. Back then, there was no social media, so people had no way of communicating horizontally with each other. We were forced to rely on the top down "news" handed down by the mainstream media, and, as I recall, they were full of enthusiasm for the destruction of the USSR. I do remember the photo of Yeltsin sitting on the tank that was shelling the Russian Parliament, but I don't remember the "news" reporting that hundreds of legislators were killed in that attack. There were no other reports of the resistance of the Russians to the destruction of their society, nor were there reports of the hundreds killed resisting. The deaths of millions of Russians from the ensuing neoliberal reforms and poverty were reported by our media as "life expectancy dropped dramatically in only one year", which is the most amazing spin possible for mass death. Russia is only now, 28 years later, recovering the population it had in 1991, before the coup.
We, the people, may not remember the destruction of the Soviet Union, but our ruling overlords surely do. After it was destroyed, US oligarchs moved into Russia and looted it for the entire decade of the 90s. The first thing they took was the gold, but they also went for oil, timber (wiping out forests in Siberia), factories and other resources. I do remember a story from the 90s talking about caviar, and how the Soviets had carefully harvested it, but that the new oligarchs had almost wiped out the sturgeons in Russia with their greed.
There can be no doubt that our oligarchs want to loot Venezuela in the same way.
The US has tried to bribe the military and the government functionaries of Venezuela for some time, (which is how they managed to take over the former USSR). The US has kept Colombia under its thumb, and the US military has been operating there for decades.
Why the increased attempts now? As I pointed out in a previous post Venezuela has switched selling oil in petrodollars, (which was the death sentence for Hussein and Ghaddafi), and became president of OPEC on Jan. 9th, with the stated goal of encouraging diversity in oil sales currency. Losing the petrodollar would mean the end of US imperialism, since the US relies on the resources and labor of countries around the world which must sell in dollars, in order to buy the oil that is necessary for almost all production and transportation on the planet.

Is this why Trump shut down the US government to get a border wall? Starting a war in Venezuela would create millions more refugees.

Is this why our rulers are cracking down so severely on social media? People sharing news, information and opinions freely, across borders, is a threat to their plans of destruction and conquest.

This article makes the case that the US has been moving to make it possible to attack Venezuela. They point out that FARC in Colombia was a hinderance to such a move in the past, but they have now been disarmed.

Of course, the US would prefer to have a 1991 Russian-type situation, in which Venezuelan traitors will self-destruct the country, and the US can in afterwards to scavenge its riches. We will see if that is possible.

1 comment:

Isaac said...

Thanks for thhis blog post