Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Unsustainable Capitalism

More and more people are catching on to the fact that our monetary system is unsustainable and insane.

Having a debt-based monetary system means that more money must constantly be borrowed, to pay the interest, or the whole thing collapses.
This causes inflation, which is viewed by most citizens as a Bad Thing, so people are speaking out for a non-debt-based monetary system.

But the economic system is also unsustainable. Having a profit-based system means that production must continually grow, and be sold,or the whole thing collapses. This causes trade wars, environmental destruction, labor exploitation, massive waste, and eventually, hot wars.

Profits, unlike inflation, are viewed by most citizens as a Good Thing, so very few people speak out for a needs-based production system.

Both systems are Ponzi schemes, which can only function with continual growth, and which lead to bubbles, which pop regularly. Either we change both, or we perish.

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