Monday, April 15, 2019

Oh. Are We Back to #metoo?

In another blatant case of liberal whiplash, we are now being subjected to liberals defending the oppressive state dragging a muckraking journalist to a kangaroo court, en route to a rendition to another kangaroo court. Because, let's all chant it together....
"He's a rapist!"

I thought we weren't using sexual accusations to dispose of people anymore. I thought that the #metoo movement had faltered on the shores of overreach. To be sure, there was a resurgence last fall, with the attack on the right wing judge applicant. His appalling record as a judge was never mentioned by the media or the liberals. They preferred to focus on something he might (or might not) have done when he was a teenager.

But then the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, a serial abuser of young female teenagers, were blown off as unimportant.
And more recently, videos of Joe Biden fondling girls and women were explained as "he's just friendly".
So, it seemed that sexual crimes being used to bring down men were over. But if video evidence of unwanted fondling is to be disregarded, what to think of the indignation and newly rekindled concern for the claims of a woman in Sweden?
Sweden has laws which no other country has. The claim made was that Assange did not use a condom the second time he had consensual sex with a woman.

Now we have liberals, especially women, refusing to stand up for freedom of the press and freedom of speech because the targeted individual did not use a condom in Sweden.

It is difficult to find the words to express the absurdity of their conditioned responses. "The personal is political" NEVER meant that political struggles could be reduced to the personalities of the humans involved in struggle. It never meant that personal foibles of any person could be used to destroy century-old civil rights. The women who used the phrase meant that some of the difficulties of their personal lives, employment discrimination, low pay, loss of economic rights with marriage...were problems that could not be solved on an individual basis, only through united political action. It is a travesty to see today's politics played out on the theatrical media stage as a giant soap opera of sex scandals.

And it is insulting to actual rape victims, such as the girls and women, in countries targeted by our ruling overlords for destruction, who are raped by our soldiers or our proxy terrorists, sometimes repeatedly, to have their terror trivialized by citizens of the US/NATO countries responsible.

The same people who cheer on the destruction of entire countries, ruining the lives of girls and women with rape and murder, as well as destruction of their civil societies, forcing widows and orphans into the sex trade, have the nerve to speak of unwanted male attention, clumsy passes and/or unsatisfying consensual sex as "rape". This is an outrage. The hypocrisy is unbearable and disgusting.

PS. Jim Acosta, heroized by the liberals for his verbal attacks on Sarah Sanders, the press secretary, is getting a "Truth to Power" journalism award, while Assange is locked up in a London prison. It would be difficult to make up something as absurd and twisted as this. It's almost as if our rulers have a sick sense of humor.

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