Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Pompeo Speaks

Pompeo, last week:

“I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole."

Pompeo, yesterday:'

"Maduro had a plane ready to fly him to Cuba, but the Russians wouldn't let him."

Who would believe that Maduro announces his travel plans to Pompeo?

Only the willfully gullible or the terminally stupid.

Update: Today’s MoA posits that the Three Stooges, Pompeo, Abrams and Bolton, got punked by Venezuela.

If true, I find it absolutely hilarious.

I thought that Bolton tweeting out open and transparent threats and bribes was just another example of his clueless thuggishness, but what if it was the outraged response of a jilted lover?

I thought that Pompeo’s claim about Russia stopping Maduro from flying to Cuba was just a tutorial on how to ”Lie, Cheat and Steal”, from his CIA classroom days, but what if he really thought that Maduro was going to run?

lol, they got snookered.

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