Wednesday, September 9, 2020

For Women, All Towns Are Sundown Towns

To women, all towns are Sundown Towns. From girlhood, we are warned about the risks to our lives and safety of being alone, especially after dark, in towns, on streets, in parks, in stairwells, on paths or in our own homes.

This knowledge is part of the culture and is turned into entertainment for the masses. Murder mysteries go into grisly details, and movies and TV show it in color. Every episode of Law and Order, Special Victims Unit starts with a brutal murder, usually with rape and/or mutilation.

We don't have to be alone to be targeted. 8 nurses in Chicago, 14 female engineering students in Montreal, women in war zones everywhere are targeted for being women.

In a bizarre 21st perversion, though, the media and Social Justice Warriors now tell us that the most vulnerable of all women are not women at all, they are men in womenface. Yes, if a man puts on makeup and/or a dress, he instantly turns into a delicate Special Victim, whom actual women must protect by allowing into our hitherto safe spaces, where we are more vulnerable. This includes the spaces that 20th century women built for female victims of violence, like domestic violence and rape centers, now being forced open to allow men inside.

Women who object to these intrusions are insulted, harassed and threatened. The Special Victims specialize in issuing sexually specific threats, such as rape and forced fellatio. Odd, that. Women don't usually threaten other women with rape, but men in womenface sure do.

The Establishment also stomps down on dissenting women, with arrests, banning, censorship and firing.

Why is any of this acceptable?

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