Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Religion and Repression

When the Holy Roman Empire took over most of Europe and turned pagan tribes into Catholic serfs and peasants, they used religion to solidify class power.

When the conquistadors invaded the Americas, they had priests traveling with them to convert the natives.

When Americans headed across the continent, killing the natives and settling on their lands, they called it Manifest Destiny.

When the Europeans divided up Africa and Asia in the 19th century, they used missionaries as well as soldiers.

There appears to be anothe wealth and power grab by the .1% going on now, and they have introduced a new religion along with it, the trans religion. This religion requires suspension of reality, like others. You are required to believe in the transubstantiation of human biology. There is a dogma which tells us that there is no such thing as human sex, and simultaneously, that there are many human sexes. There are mantras "Transwomen are women, transmen are men" that the acolytes chant. Heretics are viciously attacked.

The entire Establishment has lined up to push this new religion. Government, corporations, NGOs, the media, the medical-industrial complex, Big Pharma, schools, universites, libraries, social workers, social media, the police, courts and prisons, the military and other Establishment forces are all onboard, demanding perferred pronouns, changing language, hounding people who use the word "woman" or "mother" as transphobic, and telling them to use "uterus havers" or "menstruators" or "pregnant people" instead. Although women are relabeled by their body parts when it suits the high priests, they also are forbidden to refer to their bodies when talking about female issues, like menstruation, pregnancy or breastfeeding, because talking about female issues is "transphobic". Having these kind of contradictory decrees about something so basic to human life as our bodies and how they function, is crazy making. Double standards and constant policing of language makes people afraid to speak out, thereby allowing the religion to take over without much resistance. Those who do resist are publicly viciously attacked to scare others into compliance.

This religion was taught to Millenials who went to college in the last couple of decades, but they didn't roll it out to the general public until Bruce Jenner became Caitlin, with a standing ovation at the Oscars, a cover story in Vanity Fair and a Woman of the Year award from Glamor magazine. That broke the ice, and the non-stop prosletyzing, and forced conversion started on all the above-mentioned fronts. Teenagers were targeted on YouTube and Reddit and now on TikTok, elementary schools now teach it in school under an "anti-bullying" rubric and toddlers get Drag Queen Story Hour. Schools are now told that if a child tells them they are trans, but their parents don't know, the school is to allow the child to change their name and "present" as the opposite sex without telling the parents. This breaking of the bonds between parents and children is part of the ruling class agenda. The breaking of bonds between humans is also on display with the shutting down of public gatherings in the last year. There is clearly an agenda, but it is difficult to see where it will lead. All we can know is that our ruling overlords are changing our society, handing trillions of dollars to themselves, and teaching compliance with non-reality to our population. Like previous takeovers in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa, the disruption to society is profound and the human misery it causes is widespread. We need to resist, and part of that is resisting the new religion.

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