Saturday, October 30, 2021

A Call For Decorum

I mostly like men. They are usually pretty amiable and I appreciate the ones that can fix stuff.

But the men who are fixated on their genitals are off-putting, like those dogs you can't stop from noisily licking themselves.

There are the ones who are so enamored of their penises that they target random women with dic pics, apparently sure that said women will be equally impressed, and swoon with admiration and desire.

Worse now are the ones who dislike their genitals, because they have the backing of the Establishment to make sure that the entire society knows about their inner feelings, and makes allowances for their tender insides.

So we have things like everyone required to pick pronouns to force everyone around to use, so that no one accidentally devastates a man who feels distaste for his penis by using his non-preferred pronoun, because then he might react by committing violent acts like suicide and/or homicide (or just trashing the place in anger), and it would totally be the fault of the person speaking English, according to the Establishment. I see no reason for this policy. Genitals were nicknamed ''private parts'' for a reason. There is no reason that the general public should be exposed to people's internal feelings about their external genitals. Keep them to yourself, please, and we'll all be better off.

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