Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Earth Humans Are Easy

My dad, a sunny optimist with a deep faith in humanity and a belief in Enlightenment ideals, truly believed that humans were basically good (like him) and wanted to live in peace and harmony with their fellow humans.

My mother, on the other hand, believed that most humans are two-faced assholes, ready to stab you in the back at any time.

My husband is another sunny natured optimist, unwavering in his belief that, given the opportunity, Americans would vote for peace, justice, freedom and environmental wisdom. He has spent endless hours of his life trying to reach his fellow citizens.

As an Enlightenment Baby, I have to say that we should use our reason, and take into account our experience and the research done in the century past, which, we have to admit (if we believe in science) proves the Thomases, Jefferson and Paine, to be wrong.

Humans are not rational beings, who take all available evidence, and weigh it in a calm and measured way, only to come up with the best answer.

We are creatures of emotion, most easily ruled by Hate and Fear, and our overlords play us like fiddles.

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