Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Power To The Corporations

I see the reset plan as a continuation of the WTO plan.

For a couple of decades, the US and the rest of the international community™ have pushed to destroy national sovereignty in favor of corporate rights.

NAFTA was one of the successes. Any attempt by any signatory country to protect its land, water, resources or people went to a corporate court, which then ruled in favor of the corporations.

They tried to push it worldwide with various schemes. People in the USA fought the WTO in the Battle of Seattle in 1999. Undaunted, the WTO brought it back in Cancun in 2003, but a South Korean farmer gave his life to stop it.

I think there was one more time, but I forget where.

So they put in Obama. You know, who ran on being the "most transparent president ever".

He slapped strict censorship over the new iteration of the corporate plans, called the TPP and the TIPP.

Luckily someone not American released some info anyway and public opposition ramped up.

On the first day of Trump's presidency he tore up the treaties that Obama had signed. No doubt that is one of the reasons he has been targeted for vitriol.

Anyway, imo, they pivoted again and are now trying to push through the same corporate takeover plan under the guise of "public health".

This is because "do it for the corporations" was not as appealing to the masses as "do it for grandma". This seems to be working on a wide swath of the more gullible among us.

Luckily those countries who are not part of the international community™ have stepped up and resisted.

We have a reprieve until 2023.

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