Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Shock and Awe, US/UKR Style

Commander of Ukraine forces doesn't want to launch attack until June...

"Zaluzhny now insists on postponing the long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive to the end of June, because he thinks better weather, warmer Dnieper river and dry soil will help Ukraine and be “more comfortable for its soldiers”.

US bosses say, Oh, hell no, we want it done by May 9th, because the Russkies will be celebrating their victory over the German nazis and we want to say "We're back! And this time we're going to win!"

So who is really in charge? Yeah, I know.

On the other hand: "Moreover, U.S. intelligence indicates that Ukraine simply does not have the ability to push Russian troops from where they were deeply entrenched — and a similar feeling has taken hold about the battlefield elsewhere in Ukraine, according to officials."

Well, maybe Ukraine can't alone, but the US has been moving thousands of troops and equipment to Ramstein and Poland and Romania in the last few months.

All they need is an excuse to enter the war. Simplicus a few days ago wrote about a very suspicious move by the US.

"The United States is wiring Ukraine with sensors that can detect‌‌ bursts of radiation from a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb and can confirm the identity of the attacker," the Times report says. The goal, according to the report, is for US officials to be made immediately aware of if a radioactive weapon detonates inside Ukraine, and to be able to identify Russian forces as the culprit."

The US is fitting Ukraine with censors that will finger Russia if a nuclear bomb explodes? How convenient.

And now we are told that Ukraine launched drones to hit the Kremlin in an assassination plot.

The people that blew up Daria Dugina's car and a restaurant that killed Vladlen Tatarsky and wounded 42 other people, try to kill Putin with a drone on the roof of the Kremlin?

Sounds to me like an excuse for the US to launch a false flag nuclear explosion in Kiev, have the Mighty Wurlitzer blame it on Russia using their brand new Super Dooper Blame Russia Nuclear Sensors, and use it as an excuse to join the glorious shock-and-awe offensive to show the Russians that they didn't actually wipe out the nazis after all.

Allen Dulles chuckles from his tomb.

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