Monday, June 26, 2023

The Coup That Wasn't

Russia came as close to a coup as the US did on Jan. 6th., and the same media are the ones hyping both Not Coups.

Prigozhin had wealth and power for about a decade, the owner of a free-wheeling military company which had well-paid soldiers and unusual operational autonomy. Sweet deal for Prigozhin and the soldiers, but it was all coming to an end.

Russia announced that since Donetsk and Luhansk are now part of Russia, the Wagner Group had to be folded into the Russian military command, with pay cuts and increased discipline, to boot.

Prigozhin seemed to have PTSD. He was on the frontlines the whole time, bonding with his men, and mourning their deaths. He really flipped out when the Russian military first started applying pressure and a bunch of Wagner men were killed in Artemovsk (then Bakhmut). He stood over their bodies and raved about the MOD, whom he blamed for their deaths. (Instead of the NATO-backed Kiev military.)

I think the CIA/MI6 got to him after that. His last ravings were even more unhinged, talking about how no Donbass citizens had been killed since 2014, and the war was unprovoked. Straight from the western playbook.

But the soldiers that followed him? That seems like a labor dispute to me. There was no announcement of a coup against the Russian state. That was only in the ravings of the msm. People are so used to unhinged ravings from the msm that they don’t think it’s unusual.

The problem is when people believe the ravings.

It looked to me like the Bonus Marchers or the Canadian truckers, a march to the capitol to demand money (Bonus Marchers and Wagner), and freedom (operational freedom, in the case of Wagner, medical freedom in the case of the truckers).

Idiot Americans, informed constantly by the unhinged ravings of the msm, remain convinced that Putin is a stone cold killer, and Prigohzin will be murdered. But Putin doesn’t murder people, and even the most brainwashed should have noticed that by now.

Exile is not unusual for the Russians, The czars used it at times, as we recall from history.

Prighozin is exiled to Belarus. OK, that is not unusual.

The Wagner labor dispute has been resolved. The majority of Wagners who did not participate in the march will sign the MOD contracts and be folded into the Russian military.

The marchers will be fired. Or maybe interviewed individually to find out their motives, and to see if they are suitable for the regular military.

End of story.

It will not go down the Memory Hole, though, because the same people still harping about Jan.6th will harp on this “Putin was THIS close to being overthrown and the Russian government has been shown to be unstable and ready to collapse” narrative for months, maybe years.

No matter that the entire Russian population, including oligarchs and political opponents, came together to denounce the mutineers and stand behind the Russian government.

The US/EU establishments and their MIghty Wurlitzer of propaganda are far more unhinged than even Prigozhin. We will not be spared from hearing about this for a long, long time.

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