Thursday, February 22, 2024

Kiev Coup Anniversary

Today is the 10th anniversary of the US-backed coup in Kiev.

This coup is referred to in the newspeak concocted by the spinmasters as The Revolution of Dignity.

State Dept. goon Victoria Nuland (now second in command) was caught on tape with the US ambassador discussing who the US would place into power in the post-coup government. This is referred to in newspeak as "Ukraine's national sovereignty".

The new government promptly outlawed being Russian in Ukraine, leading to the rebellion of the citizens of Crimea and the Donbass. This is referred to in Mighty Wurlitzer newspeak as ''the Russian invasion".

The subsequent attacks by the post-coup US-backed Kiev regime onto the citizens of Donbass is called "anti-terrorist operations." The invasion and occupation of 150,000 Kiev regime forces into NATO built fortifications in the Donbass is called "protecting borders."

The entrance of actual Russian forces into the civil war, to stop the Kiev regime forces from escalating the war, and trying to kill or push out the millions of people there, is called "Putin's unprovoked brutal invasion."

We live in the Empire of Lies.

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