Interestingly enough, the building did not collapse into its own footprint at the speed of gravity.
Actually, it didn't collapse at all.
Obama is appointing a commission to balance the budget. EVERYTHING is on the table. Everything.
Except, of course, not military spending. But this most interesting omission was not mentioned in the news reports. They breathlessly announced that EVERYTHING was on the table, but somehow didn't think that the most logical item, the thing that the US spends over half its budget on, was even worth bringing up.
Just like the 9-11 Commission didn't consider explosives when investigating the collapse of the WTCs 1,2 and 7. The most obvious item never gets explored.
The talking heads did talk about Social Security a lot. It seems that the billions of dollars that US workers who make less than $75,000/year have been putting away for their old age is not off the table. That money, supposedly locked away in a trust fund, is now said to be gone.
And, apparently, there is no feeling among the ruling class that this particular debt must be paid.
Social Security is a flat tax on lower paid workers. We have been paying extra since 1986. There is no mention of this in the corporate media.
401 Ks lost $5 trillions in worker's retirement funds last year, an average of 25% from each 401K. There is no mention of this in the corporate media. Even more amazing, private funds are held up as an alternative to public funds for our retirements. But public funds are being used to repay lost investments for the rich.
Obama was chosen to do what Bush could not - refuse to repay the Social Security Trust Fund to the workers who have contributed all these years.
They call it "entitlements", as if being entitled to being paid back is something wrong.
And the most amazing thing is that they will probably get away with it.
Because the liberals who would fight Bush just want to "give Obama a chance".