Saturday, September 8, 2018

The US attack on Syria

The US has been arming, training and supplying terrorists in Syria for the last 7 years. Using the terrorist's atrocities as an excuse, they have moved into Syria, are occupying 30% of Syrian territory, have built 18 military bases, and have claimed Syrian airspace as US airspace.

Russia came into the fray in Sept. 2015, at the request of Syria, which was reeling and about to go the way of Iraq and Libya, and since then, many areas of Syria have been reclaimed from terrorist control, each time to the loud screams and complaints of the US and its flunkies, with warnings of dire consequences for the civilians, none of which has actually taken place. The civilians are jubilant at their liberation. The US, however, controls most of the world's media, and whatever story they want disseminated is what gets disseminated. Thus, their hysterical warnings of genocide in #holocaustAleppo, (the first predicted genocide with its own hashtag) was pushed by little Bana Abed, and others, and took over the worldwide media, but never happened. Aleppo was liberated, the people celebrated, the city has been rebuilt and the refugees have returned. Meanwhile, little Bana, who was going to be slaughtered by the Evil Assad, got a standing ovation at the US Oscar ceremony last year. She was clearly alive. How is it possible that she was feted at the Academy Awards and simultaneously the US talks about the tragedy of Aleppo? THAT is the power of the Mighty Wurlitzer, as the CIA referred to the media.

Each area liberated since Russia got involved, has been warned of the upcoming battle, humanitarian corridors were set up for civilians to leave during the assault and then any terrorists who surrendered were allowed to be bused to Idlib. There was no bloodbath at any of the liberated areas.

There are, however, some unhappy citizens of Idlib, who have been terrorized and murdered by the terrorists who moved in and refused to live at peace with their new neighbors. The terrorists have put them under sharia law, murder anyone who protests, and have been shelling neighboring towns.

It is time for Syria to move in and clear them out. I watched the United Nations Security Council meeting yesterday on Sept. 7, 2018, which the US called in a last ditch attempt to protect their terrorists, who, as they and their vassals kept pointing out, are "only 0.5% of the population". What a bizarre argument for the USA to make! This is the country that has gone on a 17 year killing spree, in the name of "fighting terrorism", and has killed well over a million people, destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, and has bombed 7 countries, creating millions of refugees, and is now in partnership with Saudi Arabia, in the attack on Yemen, which is causing an actual humanitarian crisis (ignored by the "International Community"). The invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, you might recall, was justified because the US said it wanted to capture one terrorist. But Syria cannot removed terrorists from their own territory, because there are only 50,000 of them???

The UNSC meeting was interesting because you could clearly see the control that the US has over other countries. African countries like Ethiopia, Cote D'Ivoire and Equatorial Guinea, and other vassals like Peru, Poland and Kuwait, all dutifully expressed their humanitarian concern for the people of Idlib, and called for a political solution (i.e., overthrow of the elected government), without any use of force against the terrorists.

The countries who have supplied support for the terrorists and who will be part of the military attack on Syria, like France, the UK and the USA, (which I call the FUKUS countries, cause I like the acronym), and their co-conspirators in Sweden and the Netherlands, spelled out the agenda.

They want no military attack on the terrorists, they want increased "humanitarian aid" to be supplied across the border from Turkey (Turkey was a chief conduit of military supplies to the terrorists until the 2016 coup, when it fell out with the US. Clearly, some new deal was struck when Turkey and the US met last Tues), and they want Assad to go, at which point they may, or may not, help with reconstruction. They also are threatening to bring Assad and top generals to "justice" for war crimes, which I assume means setting up another kangaroo court for the occasion. The French representative called humanitarian corridors, which Russia will set up for civilians, as it has in the past, potential "war crimes", which is mind-blowingly bizarre.

Only Russia and Syria responded with clarity and facts to the vapid recitation of "humanitarian concerns", pointed out that the Astana agreements were temporary and the terrorists have not stopped killing or shelling, therefore they are no longer valid, that the citizens of Idlib are being held hostage by the terrorists and are calling for help from their legitimate government to liberate them, and that Syria has every right under international law to protect its citizens from terrorists.

The Russian ambassador laid out the names and numbers of the various armed groups, named the ones that want to reconciliate with Syria, named the ones who won't (and pointed out that it was their sponsors in the west urging them to refuse to surrender), and laid out the plan to liberate the citizens, while allowing surrender of some groups, and the termination of those who keep fighting.

Then the idiot Niki Haley, who spoke immediately after the detailed report and plan was laid out by Russia, got up and spewed the most fact-free, unhinged, over-the-top propaganda, clearly unembarrassed that she was making a fool of herself. She claimed that Russia and Syria had the same "playbook" every time, that they surrounded a city, named every "man, woman and child a target", and starved them until they surrendered. But we already know this is untrue, we already saw the liberation of east Aleppo, Ghouta and Daara, we already saw the jubilation and celebration of the freed citizens, we already know that the rebuilding starts immediately. Plus, Russia had JUST laid out their plans to protect civilians and allow surrender and reconciliation of armed groups.

That is the arrogance of the US, certain that their control over the matrix media means that they can say any Big Lie, any flight of fancy, any wild accusations, and they will get away with it, since the truth will be smothered under the mass of the lies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As FDR (may) have said about Somoza: “He’s a son-of-a-bitch, but he’s OUR son-of-a-bitch.”
J Neathammer