Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Persecution of Julian Assange

In 2006, the site Wikileaks was started. It was a response to the vapid state of the imperial ''news'' media, and was set up to provide a place where whistleblowers could release important information anonymously.
It has never published any inaccurate information.

In 2010, Wikileaks released information about the illegal US invasion of Iraq, including a video dubbed ''Collateral Murder'' which showed American soldiers causally murdering Iraqis on a street, including 2 Reuters journalists, and then murdering a citizen who stopped to help them, along with his children.

Ordinary Americans on the Democrat team cheered this release, and lauded Julian Assange as a hero. This is because the murders happened when the president was on the Republican team, so the Dem team was supportive of truth in journalism, free press and the rights of whistle blowers.

The Democrat team in charge of the country at that time, of course, had no such loyalties. Their loyalties were to the Empire (like all teams in the White House) and so they prosecuted and imprisoned the whistle blower, soldier Manning, and went after Julian Assange.

Famously, Hillary Clinton demanded to know why they couldn't just send a drone and blow him up with a Hellfire missile.
The US approached Finland, which refused to cooperate, but Sweden agreed, and issued a warrant for investigation into two sex charges filed by women who had had consensual sex with Assange that they didn't like. Assange was out on bail for 2 years, but in 2012, he took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, as Sweden was pushed into more aggressive extradition attempts.

Team Democrat continued to support Assange right up until 2016, when he released files showing that the DNC was corrupt and had fixed the primaries to make sure that Hillary Clinton won. The DNC and the media took the outrage that rank and file Dems had over this, and turned it onto Wikileaks. (And Russia, of course.)

The US Empire continued to be stymied by Ecuador's support for Assange, and the rumors that Wikileaks had files stored that could destroy high level flunkies, to be released by trusted associates if Assange were snatched up to be taken to the US, (where everyone agrees, he will be in great danger).

Late 2016, Professor Gavin MacFadyen, a co-founder and trusted advisor of Wikileaks, was found dead.

In early 2017, Correa left the presidency of Ecuador and a US stooge was put in.

In Jan of this year, another trusted Wikileaks member, James Dolan, was found dead. He was ruled a suicide.

In August of this year, a third Wikileaks insider, Arjen Kamphuis, disappeared in Norway.

Now, the US, this time under Team Republican (also supporters of Empire) has moved against Julian Assange in the final blow.

Team Dem plebes, not noticing that their leaders are the same as Team Rep, are now cheering on the persecution of Julian Assange. Bizarrely, they claim that an Australian who has never set foot in the US, is somehow a "traitor" to the US, because he published crimes of a private corporation, the DNC.

They aren't known for their logic.

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