Monday, October 7, 2019

Trump Tweets About Syria

The US ruling class has a habit of issuing unpopular edicts on Friday night or the eve of major holidays, under the assumption that Americans pay no attention to the "weekend news cycle".
Trump issued his withdrawal notice last night, late on Sunday. Was that under the assumption that it would take until Monday morning for Lindsey Graham and the rest of the neocons to sober up from the weekend?

It certainly seems that way to me. Trump's original declaration focused mostly on ISIS troops. He pointed out that Europe didn't want it's ISIS citizens back, so he was leaving them for Turkey to deal with. I took that to mean that Turkey could go ahead and slaughter them, without any outcry from the US/NATO occupiers. I wasn't going to shed any tears over them, either.

But, once Congress and the media woke up and sobered up Monday morning, the attacks started. They ignored ISIS and focused on the Kurds. "Think of the Kurdish children", blah, blah, blah. 

Then Trump backed down, as usual, issuing a bizarre tweet threatening Turkey and throwing in a line about his great and unmatched wisdom.
Say what? What was that about? Was it red meat to distract TDS sufferers, sending them barking off on a red herring path? 

Apparently, the troops have actually started pulling back. Will the Deep State have time to organize a "chemical weapons attack" to stop the withdrawal?

No wonder they're so furious.

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