Thursday, October 29, 2020

How Burisma Grabbed the Pipeline in Ukraine

Nobody wants to acknowledge the elephant in the room:

Burisma represents US oligarchs who spent 5 billion dollars of US government money to regime change Ukraine by using self described Nazis to burn labor unionists alive and to exile at gunpoint former members of parliament who had refused to sell off the nationalized Ukrainian oil & gas pipeline so the US oligarchs used the Obama Biden State Department to arrange the 2014 Maidan Massacre coup d’état “And- you know- F—- the EU.” - Victoria Nuland

The subsequent US backed parliament sold off their national assets to US oligarchs And Joe Biden cashed in putting his son Hunter on the board of directors of the company that now owned the pipelines thanks to Obama Biden and their Nazi buddies in Kiev.

Oh by the way their Kiev puppet nazi air force also shot down that Malaysian airliner after the NATO commanded European Air Traffic Control redirected the flight over the Ukrainian civil war zone - to blame Putin so they could sanction Russia and stop their Nordstream pipeline project competitor to BURISMA.

The US gotta control the flow of energy from Russia to Europe any way they can. And if it means killing trade unionists and terrorizing antNazi towns and shooting down civilian airliners, they’ll do it.

So Hunter Biden cashes in with the US oligarchs. That’s just political corruption.


This was written by a facebook friend, using that horizontal media to fill in the information the top down media will not provide.

The Obama administration ruined the lives of millions of Ukrainians (as well as Libyans and Syrians), including the killing of over 15,000 eastern Ukrainians and the aforementioned trade unionists who were burned alive. All for control of fossil fuels.

The women and children Hunter Biden has been accused of trafficking were forced into poverty and misery by the coup. Sex trafficking is a lucrative side business of war and coups. That is why the wealthy elite are so determined to get their man Joe back into the White House.

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