Friday, September 28, 2018

Senate ''concern'' for women

There is nothing more hypocritical than the Congressional circus now being spread on every imperial channel, from the networks, to YouTube to the BBC.

Before you feel all warm and fuzzy about any Senator speaking out against rape, remember that all of them are fine with the United States forcibly penetrating other people's countries, using violence to enter their space.

The US inserts itself, unwanted, into the body politic of sovereign nations, causing pain and blood wherever it does so, ignoring the screams of the people there and taking whatever our rulers want, as the targeted people sob in anguish.

It matters not that we are told "it's for their own good". That sounds too much like "You know you want it", to me.


Anonymous said...

Yea. Talk endlessly about SEX, and you’ll have an intense & enraptured audience. Talk about empire, torture, banking theft, global murder - well, switch the channel. Fast.
I get two newsfeeds on my phone: the “Wall Street Journal” & “Russia Today.” One gives instant reports about earthquakes, Middle-East bombings, African & South American election results. The other wakes me up at night to tell me about the quality of New York vs. California wine. Guess which is which.
Jesus Wept.
Neathammer - Illinois

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