Monday, November 12, 2018

This Bus Is Going Over a Cliff

I took a Greyhound bus from Austin to Houston two years ago.

I saw what passes for a skyline approaching and then it disappeared. I didn't know what that meant. Just because you are on the bus doesn't mean you know what is going on.

At some point, the man behind me became agitated. He started yelling ''You're going the wrong way''. The driver denied it. The man got madder. More and more people on the bus started yelling, in English and Spanish. It was a cacophony. The driver pleaded for calm.
The man behind me threatened to kick the driver's ass if he went over a bridge, and the driver pulled over. Eventually, he turned around and got us into Houston, through instructions from the passengers.

We are on a bus hurtling to doom. There are people on the bus who are raising their voices in alarm.

Unfortunately, our bus has a big sound system, distracting the people in the back and assuring us that everything is fine. Some people on the bus are being paid to go the wrong way, and they are screaming to let the driver go forward. There are other people on the bus trying to drive, but most of them want to keep going the same route. And most people on the bus are arguing about whether the seat covers are suitably attractive.

We are screwed.

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