Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Post Office Shutdown

The Post Office will not deliver mail on Wed. Dec 5th, in honor of George H. W. Bush. This is rather bizarre. I have never seen this before and hope that they don't make a habit of it.

However, if they restrict the honor to only those who were born into Nazi-trading families, who joined the CIA in its early years, who participated in the 1963 coup, who became head of the CIA during the 70s investigations, and helped destroy evidence, who then ran the White House for 12 years, running death squads and drugs through Central America to the US, who helped bribe corrupt officials in the USSR to destroy that union, and then profited from the looting, not just of their gold stockpiles, but of oil, Siberian timber and other riches, who then had a son put into the White House in time to preside over the WTC and Pentagon attacks, pushing through Homeland Repression and endless wars, starting with Afghanistan, which led to an explosion of heroin trafficking and then moving on to Iraq, to get the oil......I guess it's a limited list of people who qualify.

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