Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Factory shutdowns

Announcement of plant closings are treated in the US like predictions of hurricanes...something that is coming and cannot be stopped, a Force of Nature.

But, of course, they are not forces of nature, they are decisions made by humans.

Like hurricanes and tornadoes, however, plant closings are destructive and tear apart families, homes and communities, leaving child abuse, suicide and boarded up downtowns in their wake.

Enough is enough. A decent country, that cares about its citizens, will no longer put up with this kind of human-made human misery.

The factories must be handed over to the employees, at no charge, to be run by them on a not-for-profit basis, with all debt cancelled.

The taxpayers have bailed out the car companies enough. They are ungrateful and careless with human lives.

The workers deserve to take hold and operate the factories that they and their ancestors built and have run for all these decades.

Enough is enough!

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