Wednesday, February 20, 2019

More Double Think

Our propaganda apparatus, the world-wide media, including newspapers, TV, radio and internet-based news, was called by one of the founders of the CIA, Frank Wisner, the Mighty Wurlitzer (and he was speaking 60 years ago).

It is interesting that the Mighty Wurlitzer can play different tunes, but the targeted population never seems to notice.

For instance, we are told that Assad is a Bad Leader if he cannot provide new housing for people whose houses were bombed by the US or its allies, and if he cannot provide food for people the US has blockaded and corralled.

But our leaders are never called bad, no matter how many homeless people live in doorways and under bridges, begging on the street for money to buy food.


Now we are being told that Maduro is a Bad Leader because the US stealing billions of dollars from Venezuela and putting sanctions on Venezuela to stop food and medicine from being sold to Venezuela is interfering with the Venezuelan government's efforts to make sure that their people have food and medicine.

But an estimated 45,000 Americans die every year from lack of health care, and the mass media never blames the US government for these deaths.

Why are other governments expected to make sure that their citizens have food, water, shelter and health care, even if the US is bombing grain siloes, water treatment plants, houses, schools, hospitals and clinics, but our government is not expected to make sure that every US citizen has access to the basics of life?

Double Think.

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