Friday, February 22, 2019

No Plan Survives Contact With The Enemy

According to the WSJ (behind a paywall), American planners were dumfounded when their spectacular plan to overthrow the government of Venezuela failed.
Vice President Pence (suddenly in the limelight...are the regime change plans in the US moving along?) calls up that Juan guy and tells him to announce himself president of Venezuela. "We've got your back, Juan!". The plan was for the US to immediately recognize him (unlike the 81% of Venezuelans who had no idea who he was), and then get their vassals to recognize him, and then the military would back him and Presto! The US has itself a New Puppet in Venezuela!

Except it didn't work like that. The military was not amused, and the ensuing bribery offers interspersed with threats to them and their families are not making them any more amused, or submissive.

Meanwhile, supine governments in South America and Europe are allowing Venezuelan Embassies to be overthrown by the US-backed pretender, as if putting puppets in an office in London would help the coup along in Caracas.

The US is gathering "aid" in an impoverished area of Colombia, on the border with Venezuela. Clearly, the correct thing for the Colombians to do is to confiscate that aid for their hungry children. Venezuelans have gathered on the bridge to show support for their elected government.

The US will most likely use snipers to kill soldiers and protesters, blame Maduro for all deaths and launch a "humanitarian bombing" campaign. This script has played out in numerous past coups, including Libya, Ukraine and Syria, so it takes no psychic ability to predict. Venezuela has more oil reserves left than any other country on Earth, and the US wants it.

As John Bolton explained on Fox News: "“We’re looking at the oil assets,” Bolton said. “That’s the single most important income stream to the government of Venezuela. We’re looking at what to do to that.”
“We’re in conversation with major American companies now,” he continued. “I think we’re trying to get to the same end result here.”
“It will make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies really invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela,” Bolton admitted."

Americans are being primed by the media as in every other US attack on a sovereign country. Evil Dictator, Starving People, US Savior, Humanitarian Assistance....etc., etc., etc. Nothing ever changes, including the amazing ability of Americans to watch as their government destroys yet another country (65 since WW2) and kills more people (over 20,000,000 since WW2), and still believe, deep in their hearts, that we are the Good Guys.

Maybe "amazing" is the wrong word to use for this. "Disgusting" may be more apropos.

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