Thursday, September 2, 2021

Lack of Privacy Is NOT Protection

My parents were atheists, so I never grew up with religion.

My next door neighbors went to a church down the street for a couple of months, when we were kids, and what they learned there shocked me!

The way they told it, there was an angel spy assigned to me, whose job it was to watch everything I did, and put it in a big book, one page for ''good'' things and one page for ''bad'' things.

I was outraged! WTF? Where was my right to privacy? (This was pre-Snowden, obviously). But even back then, I felt that I had a right to be ignored by the authorities, and that they had no right to spy on me.

When I was an adult and met my husband,( who was brought up Catholic), he explained to me the concept of a ''guardian angel''. See, he was taught that the angel spying on him was a Good Thing, that the angel was there to protect him and keep him safe.

I wonder if that is why so few people are outraged by the pervasive and invasive spying by our rulers.

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