Thursday, September 16, 2021

War on Americans, the Next Chapter

20 years ago the US declared war on the people of Afghanistan, wrongfully blaming them for the attacks in New York and Washington, DC.

On Sept. 9th President Biden declared war on 80,000,000 Americans, wrongfully blaming them for a virus.

20 years ago Congress destroyed the Bill of Rights, using terrorism as an excuse.

Today humans in the USA and around the world are being forced into a new Dark Ages, a time of complete totalitarian takeover.

The time of the takeover of the religious feudal lords was a huge reset to the pagans of Europe. They lost their commons and their religion, and millions of them were killed for resisting.

The new corporate totalitarians are going beyond their massive wealth and power grab, also destroying human connections, including family connections.

"Give me the child and I will show you the man" said Ignacious Loyola. The German leader of the 30s said something similar, but referring to his words will bring down GlobalCorp censorship.

They are going after the children now. How many people will stand up and fight for the children? President Biden has declared war on me, because the agenda calls for complete and total submission to their plans. I didn't ask to be attacked, but neither did the people of Afghanistan. And the people cheering it on are the same kind of people I opposed in 2001, 2003 and 2011, mindless slurpers of propaganda, unable to step out of the matrix and think for themselves, smugly convinced of their righteousness, as much as any Crusader of the past.

GlobalCorp doesn't care who they smash, or what they destroy of value, whether Middle East antiquities, small town businesses, or family ties and healthy childhood development. I refuse to be a collaborator with such pure greed and malevolence.

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