Friday, January 21, 2022

The Vaccine Passport

Americans tend to be Amero-centric and view the covid narrative and increasing repression through a US lens, insisting that the entire agenda is about Trump, even now that he has been gone for a year.

But this is a world-wide agenda, not just a US one. Yes, in the US our overlords got the TDS-addled people onboard quickly. But what about Austria? Australia? Romania, where I hear that they have police throwing dissenters on the ground and forcefully inoculating them. Quebec. Scotland. Germany. Even Russia rolled out a vax passport.

I think this is the TPP on steroids, a way to usher in an international corporate-controlled population with no human rights, using panic over a virus to get people compliant. Nation states will exist only to help keep people down and hand their populations over to corporate overlords as demanded.

The corporations switched to computer-controlled inventory of commodities a long time ago. They can now track their merchandise's trail. They also switched to a just-in-time system where there is no stored inventory.

What if they are now planning to move into a just-in-time computer-monitored system for what they like to call their "human capital"?

If Dick Cheney needs a new heart, the system can quickly locate (thanks to the DNA collection of every tested person on the planet) suitable donors. "Hey, Dick. We have a healthy 17 y.o football player in Nebraska or a 23 y.o. runner in Kenya. Which do you want?"

Or Elon Musk or Bill Gates puts in an order for a human with a particular set of skills. Type that into the computerized inventory and there you go. They will know where everyone is at all times, thanks to their digital IDs and currency. Tracking and fetching will be easy.

The UBI they are planning, a stipend given to everyone to keep them alive until they are needed is a new form of the old slave systems, in which the owners were responsible for feeding the slaves. Capitalism introduced wage slavery, where humans were "free" to provide for themselves, even if they couldn't find a job which gave them money to buy food. This system is not working well as more and more people are unemployed. So they have decided to make sure that the human inventory has enough to live on.

But of course they don't need 8 billion people on stand-by. It looks as if another part of this agenda is to pare down the human inventory to an as-needed number for their just-in-time system.

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