Tuesday, January 25, 2022

US Response to Russian Peace Treaty Due

The US and NATO have been encroaching onto Russia since the late 90s, although the US had given Gorbachev a promise that NATO would not move “one inch to the east”.

When Russia protests about NATO countries on their borders, complete with US bases, troop movements and missiles pointed at them, the US says “You didn’t get it in writing”.

So on Dec. 17 2021 Russia presented a peace treaty proposal which calls for a NATO retreat to 1997 borders, a removal of missiles from Poland and Romania, and a commitment to peaceful relations between the countries of Europe.

They want it in writing this time.

The US responded with the invented Wag the Dog type media war, which WAY too many people are falling for.

They showed up at the talks unprepared, which Russia noted in hilariously understated form, as they are wont to do.

The US promised to provide a written response within a week, which they did not do, preferring to hype a Fake War in the media instead.

NPR changed their propaganda this morning. Well, isn't that interesting. For the first time in this Wag The Dog campaign they mentioned the peace treaty that Russia had presented to the US and Europe.

Well, they didn't call it a peace treaty, of course. The propaganda isn't going to change that much.

So what happened? I follow Alexander Mercouris and he said that after Blinken blew off Ryabkof in the Jan. 10th talks he went on a tour trying to drum up support for the US plan "Let's you and him fight.''

Apparently Italy, France and Germany were not down with the choices the US was proposing.

Best case: they lose Russian gas and their citizens freeze and their industries shut down.

Worst case: They go up in a cloud of nuclear smoke.

How odd that they chose neither.

So then Blinken had to beg Lavrov to meet him in Geneva, where he promised a written response a week later than originally promised. It is due this week.

So are the Americans running around screaming about the Any Day Now Russian invasion of Ukraine going to change their tune?

I don't know. It seems that the original propaganda sticks in the minds of many people. Witness those still insisting that the GMO injectables will totally protect you and your grandma from illness, even though the official narrative has changed in the past year, as it became obvious that was bullshit.

So expect many Americans to keep screaming about Ukraine, even as Blinken hands over his written response.

If the US refuses to sign the peace treaty Russia has promised a response of their own. It doesn't involve the preferred US action of invading Ukraine though. It will be something else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very much the same attitude as the UK officials had during the Brexit negociation.
Western hubris starts to be dealt with properly in West Africa. A sequel to the decolonization 60 years ago.