Tuesday, January 31, 2023

US/EU Make Open Move To Use Russian Nationalities To Destroy Russia And Loot Its Wealth

Emboldened by the reluctance of Russia to confront the instigator of the Ukrainian conflict directly, smug with the success of the plan to keep the misery and dying “Over There” in Ukraine, and driven mad with lust and greed over the resources of Russia, the US is upping the ante, openly announcing their plans to destroy, divide and loot Russia.

How, you may ask? They have come up with a plan - Identity Politics. Use that uniquely bizarre scam they have introduced in the last 20 years. It is our way. Today in Brussels, at the headquarters of the EU, there will be a conference with some members of republics and territories in the Russian Federation, in which the imperial countries will use the "oppressed" people of Russia to make a land grab for the oil and gas, titanium, uranium, and other valuable resources, to be used for the good of Europe, under pliable leaders willing to sell out their people for money. You know, the US model used all around the world.

Using indigenous compradors to betray their people in return for trinkets. That is the modus operandi of US imperialism. Use local thugs to keep the resources flowing.

But the boldness of announcing your plans to use divide-and-conquer identity politics to destroy Russia? Holding a conference in Brussels while a war rages? The bold declaration that Russia has no right to live on the resources that the US wants? Bold move, going after Russia states like that. (And by "bold" I mean "batshit crazy".)

Can you imagine Russia trying to strip away Texas and North Dakota by appealing to token proxies there?

Unbelievable. And yet….

”It is naive to think that the Russian Federation can remain within the same constitutional and territorial framework. Taking into account the national and ethnic map of the territories of the Russian Federation, we should discuss the prospects for the creation of free and independent states in the post-Russian space, as well as the prospects for their stability and prosperity. The international community has a duty to support the rights of the indigenous peoples who, as a result of Russian conquest and colonisation, now exist within the borders of the Russian Federation.”

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