Friday, March 3, 2023

They Ain't Faking, A Whole Lot of Crazy Going On

The MAD Doctrine actually relied on both sides being sane enough to understand that global nuclear war is a Bad Thing.

What happens when only one side is sane enough to want to prevent the destruction of humanity and most life on this most beautiful of planets?

We are there.

The neocons running this country and the senile figurehead we are all told is a great relief after the Bad Orange Man, seem to be willing to destroy the world in order to get their greedy hands on Russian lands and wealth.

Are they really as batshit nuts as they appear? I say yes.

I feel sorry for the leaders of other countries who have to try to calmly talk the US off the edge of the cliff, because when they go over the cliff they take everyone else with them. All the little children, and all the animals, and all the plants, and all the life in the sea, (except the barophiles) and us Americans, to boot. Have you noticed that you don't have a fully stocked underground shelter available for you and your family? Yeah, that's because those things are just for the wealthy. And they think they can ride this out and come out and rule what's left of the world.

Cause they cray cray.

I'm guessing this won't end well.

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