Sunday, March 19, 2023

Kill Your Pets, Sayeth Your Overlords

The NY Times "reports" a new theory on the origin story of SARS 2.

How did a bat virus develop the specific ability to latch onto human ACE receptor cells?

Sit back, children, because your overlords have something new planned for you, which is why they have been killing millions of chickens in the last few months.

"One sample in particular caught their attention. It had been taken from a cart linked to a specific stall at the Huanan market... [t]hat …contained caged raccoon dogs on top of a separate cage holding birds, exactly the sort of environment conducive to the transmission of new viruses."

So now they are telling you that a raccoon dog and a bird got together and made a bat/human virus!

This is an IQ test.

They want you to believe that zoonotic viruses are easily transmitted and common, which is not true. Jumping between species is rare and usually any such transfer dies out quickly.

But they are coming for your pets next.

Here is a meme that has become outdated by events. It used to be funny, now it is foreshadowing.

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