Monday, October 9, 2023

The New, New Pearl Harbor

"We’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran," General Wesley Clark

Five years? The hubris! They haven't even finished with the first six and it's been 22 years.

Looks like the New Pearl Harbor event, 9-11, used to rampage through the first six countries, has worn off. So they need a New New Pearl Harbor, now also known as the New 9-11. (The marketing department works fast.)

But they drilled the story of the Sunni vs Shiite hatred into us for years, to explain why the Iraq insurgency devolved into internecine warfare after two years (and the arrival of Negroponte and James Steele to set up the Salvadorean Solution in Iraq).

"They have hated each other for centuries" they told us, eager to share history with Americans, because they want us to be educated and aware.

But now we are supposed to believe that Hamas, a creation of Israel, based on the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood, is BFFs with Shiite Iran.

And we are supposed to believe that Iran has a "ratline" straight into Gaza, through which they pour missiles, guns and ammo, without the Israelis knowing about it.

Sure, dudes.

And then they use the "Intelligence failure" line again, to top it of!

And a music festival with undesirables is attacked. Shades of Las Vegas, 2017.

They just keep remaking the old movies.

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