Thursday, October 29, 2009

Baby Boomers-We Will Get Screwed Again

Many, many years ago, so many babies were produced for a couple of decades that they got their own name - Baby Boomers.

The Baby Boomer mass of people created their own economic conditions, like rain forests creating their own weather. From coonskin caps to hula hoops to rock and roll records, money was made from catering to boomer whims.

And the millions of boomers provided cannon fodder for the Vietnam War, while the ones left behind got drugs funneled to them to keep them subdued, and to keep the CIA well-funded beyond their official allotment.

In the 80s, Alan Greenspan announced to us boomers that there were too many to continue to fund Social Security on its pay-as-you-go system. We needed to pre-pay our retirement, creating a trust fund of trillions to pay for us, and only us.

So ever since then, boomers and all others working since, have paid extra for this temporary trust fund, so as not to burden our children. And now, of course, we're told that they spent it and we shouldn't be so greedy as to expect them to provide for our retirement. Think of the children!

And here we go again. The health care bill that is supposed to "reform" the insurance companies and stop them from discriminating against people has a loophole.

Older people can be charged more! And by older people, I don't mean over 65. They are covered by Medicare.

No. The people younger than 65, that is, the Baby Boomers, can be charged more than everyone else for their forced health insurance tributes!

As screwed as we have been, from Vietnam to extra SS payments to now being forced to pay extra into the insurance coffers, I have to wonder what they have planned next?

Are they hoping we die before we get old? Or are they going to make sure we do?


Anonymous said...

"So ever since then, boomers and all others working since, have paid extra for this temporary trust fund, so as not to burden our children. And now, of course, we're told that they spent it and we shouldn't be so greedy as to expect them to provide for our retirement. Think of the children!

C'mon...think of how you would feel about the "all others working" in above paragraph. You vilify the same politicians that the Boomers elected. This is a representative democracy...take some responsibility. EVERY politician elected SINCE THE DAY I WAS BORN (1972) would not have been elected without the boomer vote. How about being 37, paying those higher taxes with the expectation of exactly NOTHING when my time will all be sucked dry by the Boomers. At least you will get something.

As far as the state of the private health insurance market, that has a LOT to do with the Boomers too. People in their 50's or 60's tend to cost more...A LOT MORE than their younger counterparts. If you're in a group plan with a bunch of Boomers, you're premiums will essentially be a transfer from the young to the Boomers. Add that to the insult of SS/Medicare and who is getting hosed here? Not the Boomers, but what's new?

wagelaborer said...

Ask yourself why you expect to get nothing in your retirement?

Who told you that? Why do you accept it? Why are you hating on command?

As I explained, up until the 80s, SS was a pay-as-you-go deal. You work your whole life, benefiting all of society and society takes care of you when you're too old to work.

That is civilized. The Baby Boomers and ONLY the Baby Boomers were expected to pre-pay.

You, as a 37 year old, would be paid for by the next generation.

The hatred you feel has been whipped up by the corporate media, in their usual divide-and-conquer way.

You fell for it. Sucker!

And calling this a democracy further shows your naivety.

The quadrennial ritual in which half the voting age population troops to the polls to pick one of two pre-selected and corporate vetted flunkies for the ruling class, who then rule without regard for the opinions of the people they supposedly "represent", is not what I could call democracy.