Monday, December 11, 2017

Fires in California

Many people have noted the very odd pattern of burned houses in some of the suburbs of LA.
There seem to be two reactions to this pattern.
One is the blowing off of the visual evidence, by claiming that the patterns are usual, sometimes accompanied by the smug assertion "I live in California, so I am a fire expert''.
Huh. I was born and raised in California, and I never once fought a fire, nor sat in a fire tower and watched a fire burn, nor saw a burned out area, (since I consider fire tourism gauche).

I saw the fire damage the same way everyone else in the country did, on TV. So I am an expert on TV videos of fire damage, and this is weird.

The other common conclusion is ''They are trying to kill us all, and depopulate some areas''.
This conclusion ALSO ignores the visual evidence. For one, the people were evacuated, not killed, and the very weird pattern of only scattered houses being affected is clearly NOT a depopulation effort, since people can move right back into the unburned houses.

Let's talk about what we all should know people getting richer.
The crash of 2008 was caused, (remember?) by the housing bubble and the mortgage speculation among the wealthy. McMansions were being built all over the country, in a pattern of extreme sprawl, and in inappropriate places.
After the crash, when Obama came in, the banks and Wall Street were bailed out, but millions of Americans were forced from their homes, (most illegally, but that's another story).
What happened to those houses?

Well, we know that a lot of them, sometimes entire blocks of them, were bought for pennies on the dollar by hedge funds, and rented out.

Here we are again, with a housing bubble, as well as a student loan bubble and a car loan bubble.
Let me quote Rahm Emmanual here "Never let a good crisis go to waste''.

Look at this video. Do you see high winds, roaring through entire neighborhoods, pushing great walls of flames and fire?
Yeah, I didn't think so.

As the hurricane in New Orleans was used to push out people from houses that were not originally affected, could the traditional method of rich landlords for recouping money on failed investments be being used, under cover of the wildfires going on?

Also note that the media tells you that you are seeing ''entire neighborhoods'' being burned at the SAME TIME that their camera is showing you something totally different.

As for entire stables of racehorses being left to burn, maybe someone should look at the new tax bill to see if race horses are still a tax deduction for the rich.

crack investigative reporter should check out the owners of the burned houses, and see if there is a pattern. crack investigative reporter should check out the owners of the burned houses, and see if there is a pattern.

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