Monday, February 26, 2018

Charlotte's Web

In the book ''Charlotte's Web'', a pig is scheduled for slaughter, and a spider decides to help him.
Every night, she spins a web with a word praising him.

As people come by, they internalize the message and crowds of admirers are soon thronging the pen, murmuring to each other about his awesomeness.

In the entire book, there is only one man who reads the words ''Some Pig'' and says "I'd say that is some spider''. No one else listens to him, of course.

Today we have an unprecedented situation, with social media, in which the man can share his observations to a wider crowd. Most people, of course, still accept the spin as presented, but there are those whose eyes are opened, and who say, ''Yes, indeed, it is the spider who is the radiant one''. Not many, but some.
Sure, most of the crowd will turn on those people, sneering and jeering and saying ''Some spider???? What the hell are you talking about? Damn conspiracy theorist. Quit being so divisive".

But, clearly enough people are sharing dissident ideas to make our rulers nervous. Hence, the censorship.
Sure, the dissidents complain, but the throngs are fine with it.

Who wants to hear about spiders, when you have a terrific pig to focus upon? Shut them down!

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