Saturday, June 22, 2019

War on Iran- How Will It Play Out

  I am happy that Trump called off the US military attack on Iran.   This was a good thing.   It is very sad that people are unable to simply point that fact out, without the obligatory litany of "things that are bad about Trump" recitations.

   It is depressingly eye-opening to see US reactions to the prospect of open war with Iran, though, because they do tend to revolve around previous American body counts, completely ignoring how many victims the US wars have left strewn around the world.

   One of the newer American forms of war involves simply destroying a society, its infrastructure and government, and leaving a Balkanized dysfunctional society, in which the US can make alliances with thugs and warlords for looting of resources and people.  This can be done using proxy death squads and terrorists, involving very few US "boots on the ground", as is being done now in Syria, where the US occupies 30% of Syrian territory, which only a reported 4,000 actual boots stomping around, supporting their proxy terrorists.

    This started in the 90s, where the destruction and breakup of the Soviet Union into weak and impoverished countries, made it easy for the US to literally Balkanize the actual Balkans, a process still ongoing.  The US now has a giant military base in Kosovo, where it allies with the terrorist gang formerly known as the KLA, and runs drugs and trains terrorists to further their goals elsewhere in the world.

   My Iranian friend had this to say about the US plan for Iran, as opposed to the assumptions of most Americans who are literate enough to comment on social media-

   "I keep reading posts about how a war with Iran will be different in scope and scale for the US compared with their barbaric and illegal wars against other poor peoples of the world - any conflict with Iran will be the day of reckoning for the US military. The US military will be defeated.
   The aim of the US 'war' against Iran is not about fighting on the battlefield, whereby two armies will be pitched against each other. The US war objectives against Iran are:
- cause civil unrest
- balkanise Iran, i.e. divide Iran into smaller states
   If the US achieves the above two objectives, the US will have won the war. It is that simple. These two objectives could be achieved by non-military interventions.
   Yes, the Iranian military is extremely strong, powerful and brave, but, in asymmetrical warfare powerful armies serve little purpose. With the barbaric and inhumane US led sanctions against Iran, for instance, the Iranian military can do very little, apart from embarking on an 'offensive military campaign' against the US - and the Iranian military has every right to do this. The US led sanctions against Iran amount to 'acts of war/aggression' under international law. The sanctions, with other operations (i.e. US support for terrorist groups such as MEK) are designed to cause civil unrest.
    In order for Iran to win the 'war' against the US, the peoples of Iran need to remain resilient. It is the resilience of Iranians that will ensure the US 'war objectives' aren't met - ensure the country does not descend into chaos and anarchy."
Zindebad, Iran 🇮🇷

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