Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Olympics Show Western Values

Russia is banned from the Olympics, although its athletes can compete. They just can't march under the Russian flag, and the Russian anthem is not played when they win. Because, you know, the Olympics are all about "excellence, respect, and friendship." In 2022 one of the most talented figure skaters ever to compete was kept up until 3am being interrogated for a false charge of "doping", although the rules state that teenagers may not be tortured like that. She was cleared and allowed to compete, but the stress and lack of sleep caused her to uncharacteristically falter, which delighted the biased "reporters" for the Mighty Wurlitzer, who openly exulted. They also told us that her coaches screamed at her for faltering. (See photo evidence below ).

In 2008, during the Bejing Olympics, the US urged Georgia to invade South Ossetia.

In 2014, during the Sochi Olympics, the US backed a violent coup in Ukraine.

This year the Olympics will be held in Paris. The mayor of Paris, Anne Hildago, announced that Russian and Belarusian athletes were "Not welcome" in Paris.

But President Macron has the nerve to ask Russia to observe a ceasefire for the entire 18 days of the Olympics. You know, out of "respect".

It is embarrassing to be part of the west and their proclaimed "western values".

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