Thursday, May 16, 2024

Blinken Rocks Kiev

Blinken went to Kiev. He told the Z-man that the US loved them and would never, ever let them down. Honest, baby, I mean it this time.

Then he went to a university and scolded the students for being alive. What part of "The Last Ukrainian" do they not understand?

Then he went to a pizza place run by war veterans, which you could tell by the Nazi/Banderist symbols on the wall over the table where he ate.

Then he went to a bar and sang to them about the vision the US has for them. (As if they haven't been living through the neoliberal dream for the last 32 years, in turbo version the last 10). I think that the women forced into surrogacy or prostitution have a visceral knowledge of Freedom™, and what happens to women and children in the Free World.

"I see a woman in the night With a baby in her hand

Under an old street light Near a garbage can

Now she puts the kid away, and she's gone to get a hit

She hates her life, and what she's done to it

There's one more kid that will never go to school

Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool.

Keep on rockin' in the free world,"

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