Thursday, August 29, 2024

Election Interference- Empire Style

The shameless Dems are once again claiming that other countries are interfering in the pristine US election by giving Americans information. Dems have now all been taught, and internalized, the belief that hearing information that their owners disapprove of, is wrong and should even be illegal.

The same Dems are heralding the invasion of Russia by US-supported Kiev regime soldiers, using US weapons and US ISR, and even US mercenaries, because it might lead to "regime change".

What is the difference between interfering in an election by giving voters information, and interfering in an election by invading another country, killing civilians and taking their houses?

I don't have to explain because all Americans know the difference.

The first one is very, very wrong.

The second one is to be celebrated.

Ask any Harris voter.

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