Thursday, July 18, 2024

How Will This Play In Peoria?

Remember that they monitor all social media and comments to msm. We are a giant focus group, with instant results, a Peoria that allows them to see how their bs is playing immediately, and also allows them to finetune it quickly in response.

But three weeks ago they did a 180 on messaging about Biden. They went from "He's as sharp as a tack, the smartest guy in the room" to "Omigod, we suddenly realize that his brain is gone." Why would those who spent 4 years telling gaslighting the public, with ridicule and attacks on those who rejected their messaging, suddenly and uniformly completely reverse themselves?

This was followed last Saturday by an assassination attempt on Trump which was accompanied by denial, obfuscation, and a tsunami of contradictory and inflammatory leaks designed to enrage the public. The different teams of Americans have all been fed conspiracy theories to latch onto and argue about. Why?

I think it’s a giant lab experiment, to see how far they can go with their crazy-making.

Like mad scientist Harry Harlow, continually getting grants to see how badly he could beat baby monkeys before they gave up their attachments, our overlords are messing with our heads to see how easy it is to get the average citizen to do a 180 of their beliefs, AND to not even notice or care.

So, as they say, the beatings will continue until the experimenters have found a limit.

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