Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Election Interference

Bernie Sanders had the 2016 Democrat primaries stolen from him. Seth Rich died to bring the truth out. Bernie then refused to fight at the convention, endorsed Clinton and blamed it on the Russians.

"Sanders offered steps he said the U.S. should pursue in response to the mounting evidence of Russian interference in 2016 and the potential for further meddling in the 2018 election.

In the absence of strong action from Trump, Sanders said, Congress must outline “strong repercussions” awaiting Russia if the country attempts similar tactics in 2018.

“We should lay out those repercussions to make it clear that there will be sanctions far more severe than what has already been passed,” Sanders said. “They’ve got to know that we regard this cyberwarfare against the most important aspect of American life, our democracy, as something that is very, very serious.”

Additionally, Sanders said, the federal government should provide additional election security resources to states and hold internet platforms like Facebook and Twitter accountable if they’re again used by hostile foreign powers to disrupt elections." https://www.desmoinesregister.com/.../berni.../356453002/...

It seems to be the same people who scream, like Bernie, about "Russian interference" in the election (by buying Facebook ads), who have no problem with the USA interfering in Venezuela's election.

The same people who wore pussy hats to a massive anti-Trump rally the day after the Inauguration in 2017, do not criticize Trump when he issued this mafia-like threat yesterday "“You cannot hide from the choice that now confronts you. You can choose to accept President Guaido’s offer of amnesty, and live your life in peace with your country. But you must not block humanitarian aid.
“Or you can choose the second path; continuing to support Maduro. You will find no safe harbour, no easy exit, no way out. You will lose everything.”

(The Venezuelan military, of course, is not blocking humanitarian aid. Tons of humanitarian aid from Russia, China, Iran and Palestine, among others, arrived the other day. Trying to find a link on censored search engines, interestingly, only turns up "US aid". How do the search words "Russia", "China", and "humanitarian aid" translate to "US sends humanitarian aid"?)

The hypocrisy, as usual, is stunning. How is it even possible for people who scream that Facebook ads are "election interference" and an "act of war" to be fine with literally appointing a man president? In a country in which 80% of the citizens had never heard of him, who was not on the ballot, and when there is already an elected president in office? How can they tolerate their own president, who they hate with a red hot passion, making thuggish threats to Venezuelan military officers AND their families?

Are they crazy or just stupid?

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