Monday, February 18, 2019

Elliot Abrams is a War Criminal

Although I support the confrontation by one Representative to the war criminal, Elliot Abrams, I cannot dance in jubilation. Why only one? Why has he even been dragged out of whatever hole he was living in, to set up new death squads? Why is he not in prison?

The man is an open and unrepentant mass murderer. He knew what he was doing before the deaths started.

From the NY Times of 1985 "In the United States, he said, ''there are going to be a lot of people who are fairly fainthearted'' about responding to such developments. ''As they see, in some of these cases, the amount of violence increase - and it will, because the purpose of our aid is to permit people who are fighting on our side to use more violence - a lot of people are going to get scared off,'' Mr. Abrams said."

A lot of weapons were delivered in the 80s using the ruse of "humanitarian aid". How ignorant do Americans have to be to not notice that Abrams was put into place right before the US announced that it was going to give $20 million in "aid" (after stealing $6 billion, at least, from Venezuela)?

In the last few years, FARC, the peasant group, was disarmed, in return for being allowed political representation in Colombia. Colombia is where the US is shipping the "aid", in preparation for forcing their way into Venezuela. Colombians are poorer, on average, than Venezuelans. The obvious solution is for FARC to confiscate the US "aid" and distribute it to hungry peasants in Colombia, since the Venezuelan government is committed to feeding its people, and the Colombian government is not. I see no downside to this.

During the 70s and 80s, Congressional members and committees investigated the crimes of the CIA and the Executive branch. We haven't had anyone like that in Congress since Cynthia McKinney was forced out.
We are ruled by criminals, who lie to us, and pass laws to enrich corporations (and lobbyists write those laws).
Bribery is grounds for impeachment, but our ruling criminals openly and brazenly accept bribes and the American people seem to accept it.
No wonder we are in such dire straits.

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